Magnetic Period Water
Although the differences, both – religion and magic – accept the man as an accident, therefore the forces extra-human beings who same they admit, would exist independently of the man. is the basic difference between Parapsicologia and religions and/or Ocultismo here: Parapsicologia is a science human being. The man is the center of the paranormal fenomenologia, not being a mere accident and, yes, the responsible one direct for the manifestation of the phenomena. In this context he has many sources of study of the paranormalidade: uses and customs of based old peoples in the antropolgicas and archaeological discoveries; Documents and traditions of the great religions such as the Christianity, the Buddhism, the Brahmanism, etc. and other sources. b) Magnetic period (of 1778 the 1847): The Magnetic Period received this name thanks to a Viennese doctor called Franz Anton Mesmer. It believed to exist a universal fluid that could cure.
In accordance with Mesmer exists ' ' a mutual influence between the celestial bodies, the land and the bodies animados' '. This influence would have as linking agent the universal fluid that would be, in the human, on body to the nerves, in analogous capacity to magnets. For this analogy it is that the fluid of Mesmer was known for Magnetism and from there, also, the name of Magntico.Uma period typical session of Mesmer: the gifts (' ' pacientes' ') around of a basin with water when Mesmer arrived e, with its varinha, ' ' magnetizava' ' the water. The patients, when touching the water magnetized, could enter in state of settles e, many, immediately cured of many males. Part of the community of studious doctors and did not accept the Theory Magnetic of Mesmer what it gave to origin to a series of studies on the Suggestion and the Hipnotismo. Nowadays one knows that a great parcel of males physicists can significantly be improved (e, even though, cured) by the suggestion or psychological conflict resolution.