Lectures By MINERVA And EasiRun Europe At The Fair IT & Business In Stuttgart
Lectures by MINERVA and EasiRun Europe in the infrastructure & security specialist forum’ ‘ production management (MES), the fair of IT & business in Stuttgart/Karlsruhe Usingen the 15.10.2010 – the theme of Sascha Vogel of Minerva is IKAN solutions, “SCM4ALL – secure software development processes” refers to a current project and will be on 27.10.2010 at 14:00. The company globe relies on ORACLE in the DWH environment and has created a solution with the targeted use of selected tools with which not only the work of the developers quality improves easier and more flexible, but also the controlled use of changes and new developments in testing and production systems. Larry Ellison describes an additional similar source. Especially the ORACLE Warehouse Builder get at GLOBUS in the DWH environment (ETL for operational and other systems), the version control system CVS (Central Changemangement) and Minerva BBs SCM4ALL (application lifecycle and release management) to use. The full integration of the various tools it ensures an efficient and trouble-free Process, in which any developer can concentrate through meaningful communication and targeted feedback on his actual job. To achieve full integration in this environment, solutions were to break, thoroughly described in the presentation. Don Fitzgerald, Managing Director of EasiRun Europe GmbH, talks on 27.10.2010 at 15:00 on the subject of integrated, enterprise-wide application development and distribution platforms”. This talk is aimed at companies with mixed application landscapes, who want to modernize their IT. Don Fitzgerald lit the subject from two directions: from the host perspective and from the perspective of open systems.
He describes how these challenges with individual solutions and approaches to overcome are, with the aim of integrating new platforms and taking into account the impact on development and distribution. Furthermore, the relevance of which to BPM. A special attention is Don Fitzgerald on the fears, barriers and risks with a modernisation connected are. The production management (MES), infrastructure & security specialist forum is located in Hall 5 of the Messe Stuttgart. The entire conference program see. Minerva is IKAN-solutions partner for Integrated ALM solutions – from consulting, design and implementation to system integration. EasiRun Europe combines with low-cost, flexible and professional migration and modernization solutions for a smooth transition into the new world”IT worlds.