
Comments Off on Internet

In today's article you want to share their concerns regarding the organization of the IT department in most companies. It's no secret that in our time of high technology without IT support is a part of self-respecting company. Share your experience of "mediocre", which was engaged in the wholesale and resale contained in salary (rather big, by the way), the staffing system administrator. This creature – textbook army spokesman enikeyschikov with delusions of grandeur and endless faith in his own infallibility, has managed during my work in the company to receive such number of reprimands and catching up with that more than enough would be on sales in size 50. Among other things, to fix the problem with falling off the Internet, he could still, as for 1C it for him was a dark forest. Ultimately, it nevertheless was fired, but he managed to merge the base company and blocked its email servers. Unlock it could cause, but when we look at him in the police council.

To some extent it is possible to resolve the conflict, but the effects made themselves know very long time. Add to all this, his appearance, which makes no sense to describe, because the image of a mad sysadmin in a large knitted sweater, with a tambourine and vsklochennymi hair, walking on the internet, already are imposed in the teeth. Want to ask the directors and company owners: do you care who and how it works for you? You are placing increased demands on managers are ready to dismiss them for the slightest failure of internal orders, demand from them the knowledge and skills to sell, so why would one of the key departments such as IT, do you feel about carelessly?? Proved that the multi-professional does not happen.

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