Largest staff meeting the heads at the front desk are again on the weekend of 25-27 March 2011 German hostels in Weimar at many German hostels are and swinging the broom that reception staff and cleaning staff aren’t there this weekend. They meet in Weimar to the biggest Hostelmitarbeitertreffen of the German Hostelgeschichte. The tradition marks now already for the sixth time, after it has taken place in cities such as Dresden, Freiburg, and Osnabruck. The idea at that time of the Hostelinhabern, who argued that it would be great if their employees loose manner of their work can replace. Cities learning but also that, where there is more backpacker of hostels. And for this reason they send their employees always like to a weekend in the year to this infamous meeting. This year Weimar should feel honored to welcome about 60 hostel from nearly 20 cities throughout Germany. For the high-profile program and the presentation of the City is responsible to the team of the labyrinth hostels.
Daytime for example on a walking tour led by Svea Geske possibility of to participate or to visit the Buchenwald Memorial. Also, the receptionists of Weimar hostels are clever share their view of the gem of central Germany. Once in Thuringia, a cozy barbecue must not be missed of course and as the highlight of the evening, the hostel in Germany will be nominated with the most unusual guests. In addition to the framework programme, the socialising is of course”focuses on: the exchange of experience, ideas and funny stories is the meeting. The annual meeting is organized by the backpacker network Germany e.V., a network of German, privately-run hostels. This network organises annually several different meetings to promote the exchange of experiences and ideas in the Hostelbranche. HosH