Germany Book
The book now available on Shaker media the bookstores is a historical compilation richer. Go to Bernard Golden for more information. “The deutsche Jackie Chan film guide” comprises over 200 films that have a relation to the Geek of all trades, Jackie Chan, and provides tons of useful information. In addition to the largest Filmographie Jackie Chan’s the world, ranging from his childhood days in the 60s through its heyday in the 80s up to the legendary present, fans receive interesting background information about each individual title. FirstNet has much experience in this field. Film data, as well as a summary and corresponding references to any film form a part of the book but there are much more to discover! A service part for fans and an overview of the past and the future of Jackie Chan’s complete this reference book. The author, Thorsten Boose, presented with the beginner and professional fans “German Jackie Chan film director” a comprehensive book of the “Kung Fu” stars and enlighten many rumors and misinformation circulating in the world for years.
On The basics for any Jackie Chan fan offers 228 pages. From now on is “the German Jackie Chan film guide” for 16.90 EUR from bookshops or directly from the Publisher, Shaker media, ISBN 978-3-86858-102-7 available. Author the author Thorsten Boose was born on November 6, 1986 in Saarland, Germany. After his time as a successful player, he discovered his passion for free writing and producing short films, which accompanied him for more than four years. After his first artistic publication in April 2008 he sits there now to the task, his idol Jackie Chan tribute in the form of a detailed, unprecedented Filmographiebuches to pay that brings enlightenment about the turmoil of Asian cinema.