FormStudio Published In The Beta Status

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formStudio brings 150 functions for budding developers after about 14 months pure development time was formStudio recently presented to the public. Some selected testers the opportunity to take a picture of the new and perhaps even unique tools had previously already one month long. As the name formStudio suggests, the tool that is intended to make forms and then to incorporate into Web pages. Here the working range of formStudio does not end but still long, 150 functions and editing capabilities, effects, images, can be embed scripts, videos, music and much more directly with the push of a button. Basically, no programming skills are necessary to formStudio the user from the first text box supports up to the mighty form with numerous features. The event editor core piece of the formStudio is the event Editor. It allows objects dynamic aspects to awarded.

You want moves an image by moving the mouse to a specific location? This makes formStudio for you! You need a fade effect to images slow einzblenden? Well thats for formStudio no problem! The effects are based on JavScripts that correspond to predefined standard. The generated HTML code is completely W3 compliant. FormStudio unlike E.g. Dreawaever is not a pure HTML editor and no WYSIWYG Editor: formStudio HTML pages life breathes, but at the same time also allows to create it directly in formStudio. And in the future? formStudio is currently in Beta status. Once you have enough information about errors, problems, or requests the user this will be changed. Behind the scenes is already filed in new features: so the next generation of syntax highlighting to support and run much faster. Also the introduction of so-called rules”is conceived to personalize formStudio more. The development proceeds in all cases, the launch of the next version is there for the fall of 2010.

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