Fears Experience Fears Exist
Why is tracking awareness a development area that plays a central role in the daycare center for children in dealing with childhood fear which is developing social emotional competencies. The children develop the more I-related infant to a member of a group. This they need always support and collateral. The kindergarten is a space in which they can test characteristics and process experience. Children learn through observation and imitation. Take your role seriously and make parents aware that children assume observed behaviors unwanted behaviors in their repertoire. Especially in situations of fear, children want to detected by adult companions and get control help in coping with their fears. It is also nice to know that other children are overwhelmed by these powerful feelings for them.
In an atmosphere of solidarity and appreciation can succeed in the long term, that children also each other in their fears recognize and give assistance. But fear revelations need time and attention, from which we have much too little in everyday kindergarten. “The experience arrangements proposed by us implicitly give the child: your fears are welcome, we take seriously together they, not deny them, but turn them to and strive to their pacification”. Children learn so that no child due to his expressed fears must be excluded, scorned or with malice intent. Joachim Armbrust, Jasmin Hasslinger fears experience fears there are activities to the fear management education publishing.