Europe Gmb
By bad shock absorbers is also the reaction time of the driver to extended about 20 percent. On long journeys, make bad shock absorbers the car arm tired and generate additional stress. Crosswind responds to the car that is sensitive and can get off the track and roll, the driver, the driver can lose control of the vehicle. Poor visibility with weak shock absorbers and springs bounces up and down the car, and just as the lights dance up and down. Once the driver can barely see, because only a short stretch of the road is illuminated. At risk he reacts in time.
Times the headlights light up so high that they dazzle oncoming cars, which means great risk to all road users. It will be very dangerous if the car is fully loaded: A heavily loaded car even has a 22 percent longer stopping distance with worn out shock absorbers as with intact shock absorbers, 7.2 metres longer braking distance of 100 km / h. shock absorbers and springs regularly check which is the periodic review Shock absorbers and springs in the garage that is very important. From 60 000 kilometres should be annually repeatedly take them under the microscope. “Best higher gas pressure shock absorbers and springs fitted in original equipment quality, providing a new driving experience, greater safety and greater comfort even the largest benefit”, expert Hans-Jurgen link KYB manufacturer recommends. KYB Europe GmbH Kimplerstrasse 336 47807 Krefeld Tel.: + 49 (0) 2151 93143 0 fax: + 49 (0) 2151 93143 40 E-Mail: kyb-germany photos defective shocks and feather are critically car with wheel in the air kyb photo 91.jpg caption: defective shock absorbers and springs, the wheels lose contact with the road, the car can get the ESP or break out photo: Michael B. Rehders / KYB editorial: Falk Kohler photo download 300 dpi-jpg file: presse/kyb/fotos/defekte-stossdaempfer-und-federn-sind-lebensgefaehrlich-auto-mit-rad-in-der-luft-kyb-foto-91.jpg video download”: kyb-germany/videos.html sources: 22 percent of all cars driving with worn shock absorbers”: KYB market research 13.4 percent of the cars have defects in the chassis in accordance with TuV report 2012 “tuev KYB (formerly Kayaba) the Japanese company KYB (Kayaba earlier) with European headquarters in Krefeld, Germany is the largest manufacturer of shock absorbers the world for cars with $3.8 billion revenue per year, a production of approximately 55 million units and a market share of 25 percent in the original equipment business, and by 20 percent in the spare parts business.