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This is understandable: unlike, say, the drills at the pump is not idle – it just has to start pumping water. Engine The engine is rightly viewed as 'heart' installation. It was his resource defines the term 'life' power: the average time between failures of an electric power is always several times higher than that of the motor. In most cases, the class of plants is determined used engines or, more precisely, its lifespan. In particular, high-quality gasoline engine uptime before the first failure probability is calculated on average 3-5 thousand hours, whereas the simplified cheap motor – just hundreds. Diesel power, usually have the resources is much higher than petrol, its economical fuel consumption, and self-diesel fuel cheaper than gasoline and can be less stringent conditions for storage, but the power collected at the base diesel engine in 1,5-2 times more expensive than similar in power, but collected at the base gasoline engine.

Therefore, the choice in favor of the plant collected in the the base diesel engine rationally do if: – the use of power as the main source of power (at least in cases of prolonged use it) – the use of a homogeneous species fuel (availability of units operating on diesel fuel) – electric power above 10-12 kVA, which power to gasoline engines practically applied. Distinguish high-quality motor on the outside signs are not always easy. If before the mini-power plants are widely used engines with side valves, it is now very often – the overhead, performance, approximately 30% higher.

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