Edward Long

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Eight years after to have developed this theory, Maupertus came back to call attention the Europe when believing that of the crossing of different species the sprouting of a monster would result as consequncia. Southwest Airlines is actively involved in the matter. Edward Long, old proprietor of slaves in the Caribbean island of Jamaica and the Kants believed different opinions when the subject in question was the mestization. Long had a vision of that black and white the different origins belonged, thus constituting distinct species, having the same sort in common. Kant thought at two moments on the problematic one involving the social matter, in 1775 and 1785. At the first moment it affirmed that the union of people of different races would have as consequncia the sprouting of indigestos children, where the racial traces of the parents is mixed. Ten years later it would say that the miscegenation in definitive ratio could send ' ' new type of human being original' ' #. This positioning on the part of these philosophers in relation to the mestization brought consequncias nothing entertainers for the crossbred citizen, problems these, felt until the present moment.

In Brazil some of these theories had been adopted by studious politicians and who would indicate the branqueamento as the social solution for the country to develop itself. With this, when findar of the War of Paraguay and with the proximity of the abolition, the Brazilian government initiated of gradual form the politics of the branqueamento when stimulating the importation of hand of European workmanship. It did not delay much time so that the European immigrants represented a great parcel of the manual work in the country, developing new techniques for the application of the services in the fields and the cities. As Chiavenato# to be admitted in the modern companies who were being created in Brazil with the deviated money of the traffic, the black it needed to be crossbred.

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