Economic Development
In 2000, as in 2001, Thailand’s gdp growth was around 4,5%. While in 1973 agriculture gave 34% of national income, then in 1996 agriculture generated only 10% of national income. Today, the role of rural economy in shaping the country’s gdp is still enormous. It gives the country about a quarter of total gdp. In the formation of the gdp of Thailand plays an important role of tourism, which is developing extremely well, particularly through the additional influx of tourists due to the economic advancement of Western and Asian countries. So when in June 2003, the flow of tourists coming to Thailand decreased by 46% compared to last year, the government immediately took steps that could lead to increasing numbers of tourists. Since 1970 the average annual growth rate of the economy accounted for about 7%, and in some years reached 13%. In 1997, Thailand’s gdp was equal to 525 billion dollars, the gnp per capita was 2,800 dollars, but in 1997, the baht exchange rate has decreased because of the indebtedness of the state, and this led to a drop .Do 1990 Thai industry was poorly developed, the share of Industry accounted for only 10-12% (non-artisanal production – 6-8%) of national income, it was occupied by 8% of the economically active population.
Most were developed extraction of fossil fuels and primary processing of agricultural products. Most businesses were risoochistitelnye, sawmills, textile and food, and they were employed 72% of industrial workers. But already in 1990 rapidly began to develop manufacturing industry and has become an important sector of the economy, which in 1996 was created almost 30% of gdp. To date, developed industries such as electronics, petrochemicals, build cars, jewelry. Yet even industry now plays such an important part as agriculture. This is evidenced by the fact that “the assessment for 1997 57% of people employed in agriculture, 17% – in industry, trade accounted for 11% and 15% were employed in the service sector and public service. ” Energy in Thailand is highly dependent on oil imports.
In 1982 the share of crude oil accounted for 25% of the cost of imports. This figure dropped to 8,8% in 1996 due to a general expansion of imports. The energy crisis caused by rising prices for fuel oil, and forced the Thai government to seek alternative approaches. The most significant results yielded discovery of offshore natural gas development hydropower. With regard to education in Thailand, literacy rate is 93,8% of the total population. Primary education is compulsory and free, but the cost of uniforms, textbooks and transportation are forcing some children leave school. Secondary education is also supported by the state, but this level of education is not compulsory and parents are more expensive, so the number of students is much lower than in primary school. In Thailand operates a network of universities, technical, educational and agricultural institutions and colleges. Incomes of the population of Thailand are growing, and it promotes the growth of consumption. As a result of increased turnover large department stores, sales of such popular in Thailand, consumer durables, as motorcycles. Given all the facts, we can say that in the coming years is expected to grow in Thailand.