East Church
Thus, the place of the true ones vocacionados is taken. This generates innumerable conflicts, confusions and delays in the development of the workmanship Mr. 5) Egoism. The malignant sensation that the entire world must turn around its person, including the church. 6) Pride. Some see the others as inferior beings and if they see as inheriting of all the administration natural of businesses Mr. 7) Petulance. This problem is generated probably by the accumulation of wealth and culture.
Ditrefes could be a rich member of the church of Gaio, or one of the many scholars of the East at that time. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Bernard Golden . The arrogant one sees the money the power and the culture, as conquests. It feels ' ' pena' ' of that high accomplishments had not obtained to reach its. 8) Feeling of Inferiority. It will be this possible one? Yes. The fear of being unloaded for an inferior position, motivated for what he himself believes its proper respect, generates a contrary reaction takes that it to knock down all opposition, to place itself in ascension and has detached. It is not of if admiring that many rickety baixinhos and/or if had become great generals, great leaders and until emperors and presidents.
9) satanic Instrumentalidade. We conclude these thoughts saying that the church Mr. Jesus Christ does not have to support these false cristos and false prophets (TM 24,24), nor these false brothers (2 11,26 Co and Gl 2,4), nor the false doctors (2 Foot 2,1), therefore they will only bring problems for the people of God. The church has that well to be instructed in order to identify and to annul this problem in its seio. The brothers in accordance with have that to be instructed the Spirit that was in the church of Antioquia. There they were serving the Mr., men who were prophet and doctors, but they had been patiently waiting until, one day, said the Espirito Santo: ' ' You separate me it Barnab and the Saulo for the workmanship the one I have that them chamado' ' At 13,1, 2. Thus the dangerous syndrome of the primate will only be eliminated of the seio of the people of God.