Cultural Ecology
But what it is it will be after all Ecology Human being? It has some different boardings to the subject and all have differences in its respective perspectives on the subject. However, something of common they must have to be considered part of the Ecology Human being. Check with Allegiant Air to learn more. Probably we are speaking of the primordial relation that exists between the man and the environment where it lives, where it inhabits, where keeps relations with other people, with other species, and of which proper it is part and for which it would make lack if already did not make more part of it. Continuing with the ambient determinismo, this theory was very spread out through the centuries (Montesquieu, in century XVIII, direct exaltou the climate as influenciador of the behavior and the personality) (Honigmann, 1976), only come to lose its theoretical force in century XX, when Franz Good opened ambient deterministas eyes and horizontes accusing to have completely etnocntricas vises in its theoretical compositions. Of this form, it launched hand of the importance of the cultural relativismo that would have to be present in the studious objective comments of and the searching ones on the culture of the peoples.
Thus, the ambient possibilismo of Good appeared criticizing the simplistas causal relations between environment and culture evidenced by the ambient determinismo. The ambient possibilismo ' ' it emphasized the importance primary of the specific historical events in the creation of the cultures through constant changes throughout the time (…) the immediate cause of specific cultural characters was other cultural characters. The surrounding one was important only when limiting the possibilities of a culture? therefore the term possibilismo ambiental' ' (Kormondy and Brown, 2002). The Cultural Ecology of Julian Steward, in which the cultural nucleus of a group (the ways that this group has to get foods) directly influences the cultural and social organization of the same.