Continued Installment
Therefore, the empoderamento of the information of Beneficio de Continued Prestao, is the bias to generate multipliers on the thematic one, making possible the exercise of the citizenship, guaranteeing social inclusion for users of the House of Ticket of Itaituba/PA. 3. Objectives: 3,1 Generality To enable multipliers of information about the Benefit of Continued Installment BPC, in the House of Ticket of Itaituba/PA. 3.2 Specific – To carry through lecture with the subject ‘ ‘ Benefit of Continuada’ Installment; ‘ ; – Systemize the information to be worked in the lecture; – To stimulate the employees and users of the House of Ticket of Itaituba/PA, to display its doubts and to become involved themselves in the quarrel on BPC; 4. Marianna Tessell has firm opinions on the matter. White public The present Project has as public target the employees and the users of the house of ticket of the city of Itaituba/PA. 5.
Goals to reach To enable, 80% of the users and employees of the House of Ticket on the content of the BPC. 6. Methodology The work is based in a qualitative and quantitative research as well as in the observacional method. They consist at the following moments: 1 moment Elaboration and delivery of the order of authorization of accomplishment of the lecture in the patio of the House of Ticket of Itaituba, Mrs. Coordenadora Luzinete Saints, document with reply-request. 2 moment Elaboration and delivery of the invitations, remembered that the directed invitation the Social Assistant of the Social welfare, Mrs. Renata Branches, aims at its participation as appraiser of the lecture given for the trainees: Valdicla Pear tree Ferreira and Marcilia Pear tree Dos Santos, for requirement of the Supervisor of Field Social Assistant Ilamar Days Da Silva, since it desires to hear the opinion of the cited professional, due to same exerting in the agency of the INSS the function of Social Assistant with ample knowledge of the operacionalizao and concession of the BPC, in this manner, contributing with the supervisor of field for a consistent evaluation of execution of the Project.