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They are final goods that are offered the consumers, while others constitute intermediate services that they form part of other cultural products. Some cultural goods are social lasting consumption or industrial goods as, respectively, a Place of fetichism of Candombl that generates services throughout its existence or a work of art or a book. Others, especially the scenic arts, only exist at a moment concrete. As visa the cultural economy deals with an extremely complex sector, constituted of an extensive net of relations that, in 2 the regions less developed, they occur notadamente in ' ' inferior circuits of cidade' ' , in its relations of survival to the times independent e, others, in interaction with ' ' circuit superior' ' (SAINTS, 1979). It transits for a field marked for the informality and the misticismo that, in innumerable cases, if keeps irreducible and closed to the formal society, as a parallel way of life, prevailed for a proper logic, that little has to see with globalizada modernity, when is not assumen of this, placing it its service. It fits to clarify that also much exists confusion on the concepts of local and endogenous development which, in this work, are understood as synonymous.

Thus when the local development of one determined space occurs as consequence of exgenos factors would have to be called it of regional development simply. We consider ' ' the endogenous development (or place) as one processodiferente for servoluntrio and agreement, or pelomenos known, for the set deuma concrete collective where if it carries through a differentiated process of that entorno occurs in next, by means of the introduction of innovations that its productive activities generate added value and cotidianas' ' (GONZALEZ, 1998, p.6). It is observed that the endogenous development obeys a vision territorial (and not functional) of the processes of growth and structural change, that has left of a hypothesis of that the territory is not only one mere physical support of objects, economic activities and processes, but that it is, also, a transformation agent territorial, according to Agnew & Ducan (1989), Giddens (1991) and Albagli (1999) apud Lastres and Cassiolato (2000).

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