Symptoms of the disease are consequences of the general softening of the bones and excess calcium in the blood, and include pain in the bones, fracturas’especialmente in the arms, legs and spine “, kidney stones, nausea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Other classic symptoms of osteitis fibrosa include deformities such as arqueamiento of bone. Radiographs often show thin bones, fractures, deformities and cysts .
The sudden loss of weight, anorexia, vomiting, excessive thirst and expenditure are the urinary symptoms that usually indicate the presence of concomitant carcinoma. of parathyroid cancer is a rare form of cancer, and is generally accompanied by very high levels of calcium in the blood, even in comparison with calcium levels of patients with osteitis fibrosa without cancer. In general, the presence of a palpable mass in the neck is also indicative of a cancer, present in approximately 50 of patients, but almost nonexistent in patients with osteitis fibrosa original non-carcinogenic .