Christmas Time
For true Christians Christmas means to commemorate the birth of Jesus de Nazareth. For this reason, the days of Christmas could be days of internal recollection, thinking in depth why Christ became man and confronting his great teaching with our way of thinking and living. Therefore the co-regent of the Kingdom of God took an earthly suit for how Jesus de Nazareth, carry out a great task. As Jesus grew was being prepared in silence for your task. The son of God being Jesus learned a profession with Jose, his earthly father, leading to the practice so the prays and works. Jesus was a Carpenter until the task that brought from the Kingdom of God became alive in him. When Jesus became adult, his heavenly father sent to men as the all-time greatest Prophet. He instructed and taught to persons, who were impressed by his simple words and even more by his talent, his works, which many were salvation and healing and testimony that gave God and by God.
What us he taught? He taught us to step s the ten commandments and the Sermon on the mount. He taught us the love of neighbor and he lived giving us example of this, but above all he brought the message of God’s love for us human beings, their children. Then why is it so noisy Christmas time and stressed out if is this the holiday of love? Ask us: who has ridiculed the birth of the son of God? Us fans of Jesus de Nazareth affirm that it was and remains the priestly caste. Certainly for many people, it is impossible to continue believing in the birth of the son of God, because the great event has been ridiculed with a multitude of external things as figures of the Nativity, pesebritos, children’s carols and things like. But the followers of Jesus de Nazareth wish to recall that Jesus, the great spirit, was crucified and risen.