Carbohydrates are the energy of the athlete’s body, is of the three macronutrients that brings more energy efficient because the metabolic processes is contributing over molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by oxygen unit. An adequate intake of carbohydrates not may end in a process of protein catabolism, resulting in a loss of muscle mass. This is one reason why a bodybuilding athlete’s diet should be monitored for appropriate content carbohydrates. Most of the intake of carbohydrates (about 90 ) made of polysaccharides, the other disaccharides (fructose, glucose, maltose) or monosaccharides (glucose, fructose). All carbohydrates are digested in the stomach and there become monosaccharides.It is important to the speed with which an athlete’s body absorbs carbohydrates, for it to know the glycemic index and learn to apply the appropriate carbohydrate in the moments prior to training and applied later. One tends to believe that the more carbohydrates better, but this is not true of everything there is a caloric balance between energy consumed and that brings a carbohydrate diet, if an excess is stored in body fat, if it occurs a defect in body fat is consumed. Following the exercise, at the hour of rest porsterior, you must eat meals with low glycemic index carbohydrates. It is advisable to take high-glycemic carbohydrate immediately after exercise in this way stops the secretion of insulin, similarly stop the cycles of ADP and ATP allows the body to take energy from sugars instead of catabolize proteins.Similarly you can increase the supply of glycogen in the muscles by adding L-glutamine in sports drinks that are drunk the day after training, so it helps recovery. Foods that have carbohydrate is assimilated differently by the agency, that assimilation is called nutrition and glycemic index (see also glycemic load). Each has a glycemic index carbohydrate specific depends on many factors: type of carbohydrate, level of processing, an accompaniment to food, etc.. Among carbohydrate foods are rice, cereals (and derivatives such as bread, pasta, etc..), Potatoes, fruits, some vegetables, etc..