Brazilian Dictatorships

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his research intends to analyze, the main elements politicians who had taken the government of president The objectives are to analyze the different reactions, to the restrictive sanctions of the government to the liberty of speech and, the performance of the censorship in the different medias. To understand the criterion of the censors of the government for the veto of determined teatrais parts, periodical articles, films, novels, books and other forms of art and medias. To argue the shock between the military and the House of representatives, who had not granted license so that the member of the house of representatives Mrcio Moreira Alves was processed by a speech where he questioned until when the Army he would shelter torturadores. of the mentalities, the main involved personages of the ecloso and in uncurling of the Institucional Act number 5. Personages as the member of the house of representatives Mrcio Moreira Alves and the minister of justice Luis Antonio of Gamma and Hiss will be analyzed, taking in consideration its bases and influences politics, will be argued in this research the interests of both the parts, that are defended in this research as the main factors that had unchained o’ ‘ rigoroso’ ‘ Institucional act. We will in general supply enough material studious academics and, to analyze these protagonists on critical eyes, and to understand that in this sad page of the history of our country, it does not have ‘ ‘ young men or viles’ ‘ , oque in the truth will be clearly and widely will be argued here is coalises that if conflict with the kings attributions that each institution exert in a nation.

We will see Brazil, a young democracy being attack of successive dictatorships, that in the truth are fruit of a phenomenon.

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