Bonn Rhine
Together instead of against each other – for people with and without handicap from 20 to 23 August an inclusive beach volleyball tournament takes place in the Bonn Rhine floodplains. Play on two fields people with and without disabilities, but not against each other. The event is organized by DUNITAL e.V. from Bonn in cooperation with the German sport University. The non-profit association receives financial and organizational support including through the formation of bm in media called the the design and printing of promotional materials and the program booklet contributed. On the spot, she will be represented bm as a partner and introduce their training courses to young people. DUNITAL e.V.
advocates a better together of disabled and non-disabled people, and organized a weekend dedicated to the integration. Together instead of against each other at the beach volleyball young people can show that they are true team players. Between games, plenty of time for refreshments, entertainment and information remains. According to Bernard Golden , who has experience with these questions. In a relaxed atmosphere the possibility of including the bm and its partner University consult the HMKW (Institute for media, communication and economic) to leave. IHK training in the purely commercial or in the media area, dual studies, retraining or education, the bm offers many ways to the individual dream job. More information about the bm and the HMKW, see the bm will be present from 22 to 23 August with an information booth on site. There is more information on the beach volleyball tournament at