The recovery of impulse transmission via newly formed nerve endings and motor end plates. This regeneration process starts about 8 weeks after toxin administration. The effect lasts only 4-6 months. Speaking candidly Gary Kelly told us the story. Areas of application of botulinum toxin A are muscular coordination (Dystonia, Blepharospasm). A very common application is the wrinkle treatment in the face of the folds fine facial muscles become paralyzed partially. Because the nerve impulse transmission on the sweat glands of acetylcholine as a carrier material is taught, it seemed to use the drug for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Prior to treatment with botulinum toxin hyper hidrotic area with the iodine-starch test will be marked as minor. Total dose per armpit approx. At here you will find additional information.
50 to 75 Botox or 200 to 250 are distributed as Dysport to approx. 20 Given injection points. The injection is carried out strictly intrakutan, i.e. in the dermis, since here the most sweat glands are found. With the beginning of a work is to be expected around the 3rd day after the injection. The duration is between 4 and 6 months, occasionally, patients can benefit from the treatment but also up to one year.
Duration of injection treatment was in clinical trials in the Middle 6 months. The treatment can be repeated any number of times if necessary. Side effects can be painful injections (therefore on the hands and feet as local anesthetic), as well as bruising in the injection area. Sure, a strictly intradermal injection technique can prevent the damage to muscles. Another new treatment possibility is the so-called suction curettage, which is applied only in the armpits. This surgical procedure is a combination of a curettage and a liposuction (FAT removal). It is the tissue below the DermIS with the sweat glands contained superficial sucked. In addition the DermIS is scraped out from the inside, i.e. in the lowest strata with a sharp spoon (kurettiert), to remove the sweat glands in the lower layer of the dermis.