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96). Conclusion: From this work it is evident that the reading processes, writing and production of texts had shown that the public educandos of the Brazilian net present a lesser income. In the initial and basic series the educandos acquire new abilities and develop its degree of letramento, therefore, in this phase this problem has that to be fought. It must be substituted seen alfabetizao as mere system of decoding for the perspective of alfabetizar letrando forming pupils who obtain to relate and to use its learning in current situations. Thus to understand that Alfabetizar is very beyond teaching a person to read and to write, that it is what the schools still make nowadays, leaving to consider the application of the same one in the life of these educandos. It is worried in reducing the number of people it are of the school, or that they had never passed for one, but they forget to characterize this education, causing I number highest of people alfabetas functionally.

To have an excellent development she is necessary of schools with adequate infrastructures and investments, able professionals. Therefore the absence of these determined resources can cause the problem that were cited and deficiency to the learning of educating of a irreversible form. The lack of qualification on the part of the professionals is common, also is percipient in the research above that they arrive to the same teach processes of Alfabetizao and Letramento with meaning, contributing for a mechanical learning with ' ' razes' ' fixed in the traditional pedagogia. It had the evidence of the initial idea of how much the implantation of qualified projects is important that stimulate the formation of readers and practical constant of the writing so that the results of the letramento level increase. However, this arduous, however compensatory task, must also prioritize alfabetizao process.

Of the social point of view of the writing in a group until then agraffe it has on this group effect of social nature, cultural, politics, economic, linguista. Bibliographical references: FREIRE, Pablo. Pedagogia of the Autonomy: to know necessary practical educative/Pablo Freire. (So Paulo: Peace and Land, 1996. Collection Reading) TO SOUND, Magda. Letramento: a subject in three sorts. 2 edition 11 reimpresso (Belo Horizonte: Authentic, 2006. 128 P.) Rasp, Eni Martins of. Transformacional theory and education of Languages. Rio De Janeiro, To the book technician, 1981

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