Archiktektin Historic Preservation

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A new series of training to the architects / to the architect historic preservation begins on March 14, 2011 in the Propstei Johannesberg off the need out, to have competent partners in dealing with the monument among the architects for the inventory management, was twenty years ago, this training designed and continuously developed. The planning and continuous adaptation of the seminar units responsibility for an independent district of free architects, art historians and monument conservators, which guarantees the orientation to the practice. Parallel, a specialization is also desirable from professional marktlicher vision of the architects. The twelve weeks of the seminar series are led through distributed over three years, with four weeks of seminar per year. The architects needed basis for a reasonable approach to protecting listed buildings is conveyed in its entire complexity. The Theo Riet rush supplemented by exercises and field trips. The architect is this on its central and coordinating role in all construction tasks from planning to prepared for the construction on the historic and cultural monument.

Members of the AK Hesse, possibly members of other chambers, receive continuing education credits according to the respective Chamber control. The cost per week block is 512,-including lunch, drinks, and seminar materials, members of the AK Hessen 10% discount get. For more information, see.

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