Value of Work
Therefore, the value is the work of the producers materialized in the merchandise. This value, Express in currency, calls price. 4. The capitalist exploration The capitalist exploration is refined and masked form of exploration. If it is truth that in the escravista exploration the chains and fetters coerce the production, and that in the feudal production the exploration is clear, with the basic land and means of production feudal belonging you, in the capitalism it is different and worse. We saw that in the societies daily pay-capitalists the work force was not merchandise.
In the capitalism he is. In all the societies occur work processes, but the valuation is a specific process of the capitalism 10. Object of sales and purchase, and as such detainer of value of use and exchange, the work force, in this last case, is changed by one another determined value. For reproduziz it, the man requires attendance to its vital necessities: to consume foods, to use clothes and footwear, to remain themselves. Of this form, the VALUE OF the FORCE OF WORK is equal to the value of the ways of subsistence that they allow the life to the worker. After buying the work force, the capitalist enters into an alliance it the means of production that she possesss. In the mines, plants and industrial companies, the work force is used in the creation of diverse values of exchange (merchandises) 11, with the capitalist interested in the profit, gotten for the creation of a bigger value that the invested capital. However, in the process of creation of new values, the papers of the force of work and the means of production are different. That one creates a value whereas these cannot create it. The value of the means of production (machines and equipment, for example) moves in the process of work of the laborers to the value of the produced merchandises, in the measure where the means of production if spend.