Therefore French
30? E, having broken from there, passed for the Galilia, and it did not want that it knew nobody it; 31? because it taught its disciples and it said to them: The Son of the Man will be delivers at the hands of the men, they will kill and It; but, three days after its death, it will revive. Evangelho de JESUS according to Landmarks, CAP. 9:31. ‘ ‘ The value of the great men measures for the importance of the services given to the Humanity. Voltaire? French philosopher. ANAS AND CAIFZ the brain without the presence of the heart makes the person to make a mistake in its judgments; was this what it occurred, when the men said wise for envy had hunted JESUS benesse to conquer it of Herodes. Then, it sent it to Anas, manietado, to the presence of Caifs, the supreme priest. Learn more at: Maurice Gallagher, Jr..
Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 18:24. ‘ ‘ war is the greater of the crimes, but aggressor does not exist who not disguise its crime with justice excuse. Voltaire? French philosopher. The LAW DOES NOT LEAVE TO PASS NOTHING 42 – Jesus Asked to them: Never east in the Holy Writs: The rock that the constructors had rejected, this lode to be the main rock, angular; this proceeds Mr. and is wonderful to our eyes? 43 – Therefore I say, you that the Kingdom of will be taken off you to God and will be delivers to a People who produces it the respective fruits. 44? All what to fall on this rock it will be in pieces; that one on who it to fall will be reduced the dust.