Sometimes Murder

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Heart damage by excessive training In general is that sports good for your health. Especially endurance sports has a positive effect on the heart. It is however to note that sometimes less is more. Now, a study has shown that too much endurance can even lead to serious heart damage. The private insurance Portal informs about the negative effects which may cause an excess of sports with them. That extreme – endurance sports may have negative consequences for the athlete’s heart, is already known in cardiology.

For example, an increased risk of atrial fibrillation is reflected in cross-country skiing. In a study presented at the European Congress of Cardiology in Stockholm, the effects of excessive physical exertion have been examined on the heart muscle using 45 marathon runners without known heart problems at the age of 24 to 62 years. In almost all subjects, the rise of a particular marker was after a 80-kilometer run in the Blood detected, which may indicate a heart muscle damage. Also recorded a reduction of cardiac function by six percent. Visible signs of a serious injury of the heart could be observed at twelve per cent of all participants.

Generally, athletes compared to ordinary citizens much more frequently suffer cardiac arrhythmias. Endurance sport is generally good for the heart, but the training in mass should be.

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