Social Security
Physical rest. – The legislator, doing extreme taken care of of the nomenclature that uses in the definition of this legal body uses the concept of physical rest by vacacional rest, it by obvious questions, the generation of labor rights; aspects that we will comment more ahead. The RECAS conceptualiza to the physical rest as the benefit del that enjoys who serves nonindependent under the modality of administrative contract of services, that consists of not serving by an uninterrupted period of 15 days calendar by every service year fulfilled, receiving the complete one of the return. This benefit is acquired to year of benefit of services in the organization. HP is likely to agree. The renovation or prorogation does not interrupt the accumulated uptime. It is possible to limit that according to its rules, one has settled down additionally that when the contract concludes after the service year without the respective physical rest has become effective, the contracted one perceives the payment corresponding to the physical rest, something as well as vacations you truncate. It is possible to limit that as the Legislative Decree that it regulates the administrative race in the end of the vacacional period, the law of the RECAS establishes that the opportunity of the physical rest is determined by the parts.
Of not taking place agreement it determines the contracting organization to it. Affiliation to the contributing regime of ESSALUD. – The norm under commentary establishes of way it express that contracts RECAS will have to materialize the referring thing to the contributing regime of ESSALUD, according to the following detail: the people who serve under the modality of administrative contract of services are regular affiliates of the contributing regime of the security social in health, in agreement with arranged by the article 3 of the Law N 26790 -Law de Modernizacin of the Social Security in Health and its prescribed and modifying norms.