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Do you prefer, be an interpreter or a singer? Difference between an interpreter and a singer is that the interpreter is a little as an actor and an artist at the same time as singer: the performer gives the song something you didn’t before, transforms it through their creativity. I think something fun to listen as some people the only thing what are fixed at the time of singing is the volume of your voice and the lyrics of the song (also a little on the pace, if anything). Do not put attention to their feelings and their feelings, for example, or in their mental images at the time of singing. It will sound a little weird, but all of these elements are part of what gives the emotion to the interpretation. The thing is that many people when it learns a song only attaches to learn the lyrics (and the melodies of your favorite parts). Some pay more attention and pay attention to the rhythm and the intentions behind the words. Listen, when you say things, an important part of what you say is the intention with which you say them.

When you change your intention at the time of singing (singing is like talking but deliberately varying tones of words and the rhythm with which you speak to create this musical effect on others) change the sound of your voice. The thing is that to be able to give you an intention to your voice the first thing you have to do is learn how to relax and control your posture and your whole body, because your whole body is responsible for the production of your voice. A classic mistake that many people commit without realizing account is screaming rather than singing. Filed under: Security ProAdvisors. They force too the volume of his voice tightening throat, with what your voice sounds out of tune and without power or wealth. Put another way, you need to develop your sensitivity If you want to develop your singing ability, and in this respect I refer to your physical sensitivity and your artistic and emotional sensitivity (the yin of the intelligence side). The most important thing is therefore that you develop your sensitivity and that experience with different intentions for your interpretations, varying, while listening to your voice to sing, the images that you create in your mind and the sensations and feelings and emotions is the thing that you learn to feel how to produce a voice strong and vibrant, increasing your lung capacity through better breathing and a control of yourself that will allow you to not only reach notes more acute and more serious but also hold them for longer.

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