Participation in the
Participation in the value chain of an ‘anchor company’: Participants as partners, suppliers or distributors inclusive Businesses typically have guarantees of sustainability (economic, environmental and social) over time. Its implementation involves building a relationship of trust between the parties, from an active and equitable. In general, inclusive businesses are characterized by the involvement of an anchor company first, to identify the business strategy that could improve the performance of the company through those same opportunities inclusive. This marks a difference in tactics and strategy with traditional development trends that are characterized by first create the supply of goods and / or services of low-income communities, and then find whether or not a market.The business included is an effort that, without discarding the traditional models, attempts to mitigate the risk of raising expectations of a stable market, through the same competitiveness and business strategy. As one of alliances or cooperation framework , SBI communities can enter to become part of the value chain of large companies to generate more income and overcome poverty. Inclusive Business Projects of the anchor companies, involving the SBI in the value chain of the company, enabling them to participate formally in the market society. The main objective of this business is to improve the living standards of the SBI from income generation, community empowerment, skills development and transfer of knowledge and technology and involving communities in the value chain of a company anchor. As employees and suppliers, low-income segments gain access to the formal economy, including training opportunities and access to financing and income.