Overcoming Depression
Emile Coue – French, by profession a pharmacist. French psychologist and pharmacist who developed the method of psychotherapy and personal growth based on self-hypnosis. This method is common in many countries around the world in the early 20 century. It captivates through its simplicity and ease of use. In essence, this was the first non-drug method of treatment effects.
The method is based on the regular repetition of simple phrases, such as: “With each passing day me in all respects is getting better and better. ” Regular employment is essential to treatment. Contrary to popular belief that a strong will form the fastest way to health Coue believed that the decision some of the problems is impossible without change of unconscious thoughts. Cue stressed that he was not a healer, a man who teaches others to heal yourself. He is a very interesting section in the role of conscious and unconscious man on his health. In his book “School self-conscious auto-suggestion by” E. Coue put forward the following position: In man there is a conscious and unconscious self; Various fears, on nothing legitimate concerns – this is the work of the unconscious Ya enough for our minds to think that an organ is working well, as the idea becomes a reality, he asserted.
Instrument of I was conscious will and unconscious – imagination. E. Coue pushed even its own laws: 1. In the struggle between the will and imagination win the last – that is, imagination, 2. In the struggle between the will and the power of imagination Imagination is proportional to the applied voltage will power, (the more attached the will – the brighter the power of imagination) 3. If the will and imagination are compatible, then they are not composed, but rather multiplied by one another and work them is the ultimate force of the two energies; 4. The power of imagination can be controlled. And now all the above, as they say on the “Russian”. At the same time, people can think of only one thing: every thought, fully mastered the mind, becomes a truth of thought characteristic of the inner aspiration to implementation. And if it even easier. Morning, evening or afternoon, if you have time, you retreated to a quiet room, sit down, close your eyes, then quietly monotone whisper words of self-hypnosis. For example: “Every day. I do my best to improve his physical condition. My illness has passed. I am healthy. I’m handsome. I have a slim body “In this case you believe in something that inspires, and keep the front of the inner eye pattern, which seeks to implement: you see yourself healthy and cheerful or confident answering questions and head. etc phrase you’ll hear many times in a row. I advise you, before they repeat very clear they think and even write and learn, that would not be distracted during a session of self-hypnosis. E. Coue recommended the application of his method, even under such terrible diseases as cancer, from which of course is debatable. But on the other The sides, except we do not know many cases of healing people through their faith and hope for healing? But if you look at this issue from the perspective of Oriental healing techniques, we will get another confirmation very strong influence of the mental body (a body of thought) on the health of the physical. It is important to believe in their health and move confidently towards the goal.