In the philosophical tradition the conception of philosophy was confused with the one of metaphysics, this if it gave for the influence of the workmanship of Plato that strong marked the route of the philosophical proposals. Metaphysics is an area of the philosophy, can define metaphysics in a poor definition as the branch of the philosophy that conjectura on the bedding transcendente of the reality. Anthony Jabbour takes a slightly different approach. Many had believed and perhaps some still believe that the Metaphysical philosophy/disciplines is it that of the account to answer the majority of the questions on ' ' verdade' ' of our existence, or at least it is in the certain way. In the philosophy contemporary they appear you criticize to this pretension, some consider that you criticize them the Metaphysical philosophy/begins with Nietzsche, others with Hegel, independent of where if it initiates it criticizes it the important one is that it in gave we to them philosophy students, and philosophers the chance to think with caution on the importance of the paper of the philosophy for the humanity. philosophy still is necessary? I believe that yes when I think about the contribution of the Metaphysical philosophy/for the sprouting and development of sciences, however, with the improvement of the scientific methods this takes ways different of the philosophy, what for me does not take off the value of the philosophy. I find that it fits to the philosophers of century XXI to start to try to construct a deferential paper for the philosophy, insisting on undoing it I make a mistake Metaphysical philosophy/that already it is not more necessary, you unite already comes if becoming pejorativa, exactly between said ' ' sense comum' ' , between that they are inside of this classification many find that the Metaphysical philosophy/is ' ' to travel in maionese' '.