The call neuroteologia neuralgia or mystical or religious (studied in Spain, among many others, by neurologists as FJ Rubia or Francisco Mora) is today a scientific theme that responds to and has nothing to do with anything that we could qualify in general how? Esoterica?. scientific evidence show that the representations and religious emotions (and, more broadly, connected with the metaphysical, so philosophical, it COSMICO?) Are produced by neural actiavcion of certain cortical precise locations between the frontal lobes, temporal and limbic system .Its work focuses primarily on various studies on the evolution of man and in his Kabbalah, Zohar interest to promote an integration of science and religion, according to experiences of meditators and mystics, analyzing the elements common to the mystical tradition of East and West. In his book articulates various aspects of psychotherapy and spirituality.
His books are about philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology and religion in particular. His thought influenced by thinkers such as , and other students at the and Teilhard de Chardin (with whom he shared the intent to create a theory that unifies the science, art and morality) , Plato, Hegel and Buddhism.
During his early days as an author (late 70s to mid-80s) contributed to the development of transpersonal psychology but then this is different from running considering that much of its related fell into what I call pre-trans fallacy. For more than a decade, began to develop the integrated paradigm, which articulates a lot of transdiciplinaria prospects for addressing the human phenomenon using the model AQAL. To promote and move forward with this proposal Kabbalah or Zohar, in 1998 founded the Integral Institute, a think tank to investigate the various applications of what they called a comprehensive approach.
Wilber establishes a hierarchy of the different fields of reality, including corporations, world views or and levels of awareness, political models, and so on. Deployed in four quadrants (interior-individual, the inner-collective, foreign-individual, and outside-group). In the last few years has linked his theory to model the dynamics of spiral, developed by Don Beck and , called vMemes (memes value) to different levels of development, assigning a different color to each.
Due to the profound changes Kabbalah, Zohar in their thinking over the years and the numerous unexpected drift that led her work, is often referred every moment of it for a specified phase. , Until now be considered at least five stages on their journey (in the section piece published in Castilian noted that the stage is up to each book).
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by Henry James (Hardcover – 1929)