International Funeral Award
Innovative grave character on October 25, 2008 in Antwerp the freelance sculptor of Siegbert Altmiks and the stone master sculptor Stefan King box of food for their landmark-art project awarded for a new culture of mourning ceremony of the 10th International funeral Award (IFA) during a gala event with an initial placement. The international funeral award, the Oscar”of the funeral sector, is awarded annually by an internationally composed jury for innovative ideas in the field of the burial system and the funeral culture in different categories. Stefan King box and Siegbert Altmiks, clearly convinced the jury with the concept as well as with the execution of their landmark-art project. This project includes the artwork of individual tombs and grave character in collaboration with survivors. Personal encounter with the theme of death and an active management of mourning are in the foreground.
Given the taboo and anonymization of the theme of death”, the project aims In addition society on the development of a new form of the funeral culture and a new covered integral view of life. The concept of landmark-art is based on the following fundamental ideas: the grave character always consist of two part objects, the actual tomb sculpture for placement on the cemetery and a corresponding counterpart, which will remain in the private sphere of the grieving, where it can be abstract paintings or photographs, small objects, containers, etc.. Both objects illustrate the duality of life and death in their mutual relation. As a landmark, they stand at the threshold and integrate the grief at the same time in the visible form in the daily life. The design impulse for the landmark objects is based on the development of a personal theme in the conversation between the client and the designer.
“” “” This topic is in the objects artistically implemented, such a name or title, such as game of life “, giving companies”, in between “or sound F”, and a distinctive shape In contrast to the ready-made uniforms tombstone. The grieving of survivors is supported by an active Act on the objects, such as reordering individual elements of objects to design new patterns or generation of sounds. From this a new, personally developed meaningful and identity form of Ritualization can occur, which can contribute further to cope with grief. The landmark objects can be also a means for the struggle of the individual with the own future death. The project enables the development of a personal landmark secession at the lifetime of the customer, quasi pre mortem”. So its own way of an active employment can be found given the rather predominant ignorance and displacement of this subject with the death, also in cooperation with close relatives or friends. The judgment the IFA jury according to is with the landmark kind of project total excellent a Building bridges between traditional and modern grave character design managed. In addition, the project receives through the creation of a consciously living funeral culture in a time when the search for new orientations and values clear socio-political aspects, because do you want to change the world, you have to begin at the death.” (S.Winalt) Stefan King field as stone sculptor master leads his own tomb company in food. Siegbert Altmiks also works as a freelance sculptor in his own Studio in Essen. Siegbert Abdow