French Medicine Agency

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In accordance with Rabbit: The German pneumologista Wolfgang Wodarg sees a parallel between the pharmaceutical industry and the warlike one: ‘ ‘ Both live of medo’ ‘. If in one the terrorist threat inflates defense budgets, in the other the pandemics makes to flow the box. (RABBIT, 2010, P. 1) According to its interview, the Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg criticizes the alteration in the criteria of pandemic definition, that not only had relation with the gravity of the allied illness to its expansion and to the expansion. The Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg would have affirmed: The previous definition of pandemic was very better, it did not take in them to use it every year.

Now any common grippe is a pandemic. The old definition said that it had of being a spread illness, but with high index of lethality. Severity was led in account. Now this was excluded from the definition. A light grippe can be alone, but because somebody traveled to a country and ‘ ‘ exportou’ ‘ the grippe already has alarm.

Then there is the issue not being the central objective of the present article at great length to consider the rumors that had appeared around the vaccination against the H1N1, but only exp them in order to register the scene and the spirits in the occasion. The truth is that, in general way, the effect provoked for the vaccine had been light reactions, as local pain, muscular fever low and pains, with duration around 48 hours. The controversy lathe of the vaccination had beginning due to the substance use in the composition of the vaccine as the timerosal, one derivative of the mercury, that, since 2000, the French Medicine Agency recommends that she is not used. However, in virtue of the pandemic, the OMS authorized its use for considering that its risks were minimum. This is used to conserve the medicine.

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