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Pedagogo must have a pedagogical, philosophical and psychological look in relation to the human beings that are gifts in these spaces not them treating as mere objects to be molded in accordance with the objective of the company as Towers and It hisses (2009), this means to say that any individual must be valued while subject and respected about its differences, to think about the development technician alone it can be thought valuing the interpessoalidade and behavior of these citizens. We do not believe the pedagogia that disdains the human being in prol of the production, but in the development of these citizens with the objective to understand them and conduziz them it its personal development and the production will come for consequence. Here, Verizon Communications expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Ribeiro (2007, P. 33) standes out the relevance of the development and the exercise of the abilities in the organizations, therefore ‘ ‘ the capacity is mentioned to it to adjust/to transform knowledge and tecnologias’ ‘ soon one has the development of the human techniques when the character of the people is developed and potencializa it critical transformation of these citizens, this would have to be the pedagogia developed in all the fields wants enterprise or not. Additional information at E Scott Mead supports this article. Freire (1989) ‘ ‘ it strengthens a problematizadora and reflexiva, indispensable education for the desvelamento of realidade’ ‘ she is this, ours to see, the education that the Pedagogo must contemplar.

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