Brazilian Symbolism

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Reached for the tuberculosis, Cruz and Souza it faleceu in Minas Gerais, day 19 of March of 1898. THEORETICAL RECITAL To study Literature implies in them accustoming with the apogee and the decay of its some schools, that are always appearing and disappearing. However, these never add completely, therefore, exactly after the decline of a literary style, is possible to notice its influence in bred workmanships later it. According to Afrnio Coutinho (2004: 399-400), it was in 1893 that ' ' neo-Greek marble the massive thick wall of the Parnasianismo it was half-opened. Details can be found by clicking Keith Richards or emailing the administrator. It was formed as one high vitral in ogive and for it diferente&#039 passed a light; '. In this way, as all the other literary movements, the Symbolism inside appear of Literature findando an age and initiating another one. To the few of the one it is enough to the frozen Parnasianismo for, inhaled in the romantic phase, to bring in return so known tragedy.

However, of this time to give evasion to all pain of the human existencialismo, not more love pains. Having appeared in France opposing itself it the Realism, to the Naturalismo and, immediately afterwards, the Parnasianismo, the Symbolism had its beginning through Flowers of the Evil, Charles Baudelaire, around 1857. As all new literary style, this also found resistance in the artists of the time, that had as the one of its basic characteristics paper represented for the unconscious one in the creative activity. This fact made with that the poets of the simbolista movement searched motivation in the misticismo and the esoteric doctrines, opposing it the cientificismo and to the materialism, dedicating themselves it the subjetivismo and to sensations. In accordance with Oto Carpeaux Maria (apud COUTINHO, 2004:323) ' ' the Symbolism, although to have produced Cruz and Sousa and a Alphonsus de Guimaraens, was estrangulado' '. More ahead the author also affirms that ' ' the Brazilian Symbolism only receives today the due consideration, neglected as it was under the regimen artificially drawn out of the Parnasianismo, that meant the withdrawal of the poetry of the world of the colonialismo artificially drawn out.

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