Better Animation
The category of Better Animation is more recent and was created in 2002 for the Academy. It was with the development of techniques throughout the time that this type of long-metragem if became what it is today and if saw the importance of the creation of this new category. In the first year they had been more than one hundred people of the area of animation and other sectors of the Academy that had chosen first the great winner. For the last years and the Oscar of 2012, it is a category also very waited, mainly for the great amount of produced films of animation. Without hesitation Cloud Computing explained all about the problem. The winner of the Oscar of Better Animation of this first year was of the studios of the Dreamworks, the film ' ' Shrek' ' that it also surpassed animaes of Disney as the other indicated ' ' Monsters S.A.' '.
Already in 2008 who took estatueta golden was Pixar with ' ' Ratatouille' ' , and in the three following years it kept its position in the category and won with the films ' ' Wall-E' ' , ' ' Up High Aventuras' ' ' ' Toy Story' ' respectively. In 2006, who took estatueta golden stops house was animation of the English studios Aardman with the film ' ' Wallace and Gromit the Battle of the Vegetais' ' with the same personages who had gained the prize for a shortness-metragem of animation in 1993. For the Oscar of 2012, the indicated ones are: A Cat in Paris, Chico & Rita, Kung Fu Panda 2, Cat of Botas and Rango. However, the favourites person or thing indicated in research are the animaes ' ' Rango' ' of the Paramount Pictures studio and ' ' The Cat of Botas' ' of the Dreamworks, followed of ' ' Kung Fu Panda 2' ' also of the Dreamworks.