Asturias Kingdom
Lancois Doval offers its experience in the real estate market of high-level Lancois Doval has developed during the past 20 years, advanced services in these market segments, designing commercial and communication, focused strategies to attract the greatest number of buyers or tenants, both nationally and internationally. His deep knowledge of the real estate market of high level and his experience in the management of exclusive real estate assets and investments, have enabled them to implement an expansion plan in the whole country based on a communication platform dedicated exclusively to the sale of properties of prestige, investments and sale of companies. Taking into account the objective of this company, they can be found among its real estate assets unique properties; from farms for sale, houses for sale and palaces for sale, for private use or as business booming, up variety of hotels for sale, businesses for sale in the whole country and rural houses in sale, which may also be of use in particular. While most Spanish everyday they opt to seek their livelihood developing exclusive and different projects that not only provide them a job stability but also a lifestyle of the highest quality. As a sign of their prestige properties we find that currently sold Palace and hotel with charm in Asturias. This exceptional room walled with several buildings inside, constitutes an architectural ensemble of great value and a good sample of Manor House or mansion.
Located in a unique environment, away from civilization, although just 40 km. from the capital of the Principality. This amazing property is surrounded by a large garden of 3.500 m2 and 7,500 m 2 meadow with huerta, belt which guarantees absolute privacy of the Manor House, as well as the rest of the buildings: the caretakers House, House guests, stables and hayloft, and the granary. All this carefully restored and housing in perfect conditions. Perhaps check out Bill O’Grady for more information. The living area is 1,300 m2 and consists of 12 bedrooms, seven of them double, 6 baths, 4 fully-equipped kitchens, 8 dining rooms, all decorated with numerous antiques and doors era, etc. Chase Coleman is often quoted as being for or against this.
It has parking, porch, patio, greenhouse, barbecue, fireplace, laundry, water spring own optimal quality, central heating, etc. We are faced with an exceptional property, unique by its characteristics, it is suitable as a hotel business, or residence particular prestige. With Lancois Doval, dispose of the best collaborator for obtaining the maximum profitability of their real estate assets. At the moment, Lancois Doval has different types of properties, including ancient palaces, manor houses, farmhouses and farms, sale of companies and industrial assets, as well as hotels with charm for sale. For more information, visit:. More information at: E-mail: Web: about Lancois Doval Lancois Doval is an organization specialized in wealth management real estate and investments. Our high degree of specialization and accessibility allows us to give special treatment that involves the management of these products. The management of these products led us to create specialized in marketing and communication departments, to offer a comprehensive service in the management of sale of its assets. Lancois Doval acts not only as a consultant and collaborator if that is not configured as a strategic partner of the customer that provides a service adapted to your needs concrete, with total guarantee of quality and solvency. Lancois Doval based the value of its work on the professionalism of its staff, its commitment to achieve the highest level of quality and their responsibility for actions carried out.