Anticrisis Strategy
We present an interview with the director of Constantine akpr Koblova. – What is anti-crisis? – "Crisis", as you say, searching for new methods of work in new conditions. We believe that now, these services should be in demand as never before. First, the crisis requires a restructuring of the organizational structure of the work on financing of investment projects. Secondly, the crisis should be a catalyst for a culture of training investment projects. Credit institutions here have become a conduit for this culture.
In most cases, business planning is perceived by potential investors just as the burden to establish of a formal document required to obtain credit. At the same time in real life, this document can not be applied. Such a formalism is generated primarily by credit institutions. Established practice – business plan for the business and the business plan for the bank. The second format indicates some extremely simplified quasi-document bears a formal nature. This situation is understandable. For a critical assessment of mortgage lender to the Borrower.
Himself business project, in fact, goes into the background. The crisis changed the situation. Production facilities, which are exhibited as collateral, is rapidly depreciating. Increasingly, the transition in ownership of productive assets is only one loss. Therefore, in these conditions becomes relevant not only the availability of collateral, but also the analysis of viability of the business project. This requires the search for new forms of work. It is clear that credit institution is unable to independently analyze the entire mass of incoming requests.