Archive for August, 2021

Japanese Style

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Do not forget the extra lighting balcony. This may be a floor lamp, wall sconce or bronze. It all depends on the style of the interior, which is sustained clearance of balcony. A small fountain or decorative composition in the style of a Japanese rock garden, give your balcony absolutely unique look and charm. If you wish to lodge interior did not match the style of the situation the entire apartment, then to separate the loggia of the room, for example, thick curtains.

If the large balcony doors (on all the wall) and glass, the balcony is desirable to make one design style to the room, as if continuing the it. Verandas often are attached to a suburban home or cottage. Very beautiful veranda, if its walls are fully glazed. Also will look stylish veranda with a combination of wood and glass. When space permits, on the veranda can provide a dining table for the whole family, sofa, folding chairs or chaise lounges. For the best porch wicker furniture or folding against the background that will look great Sansevera and Chlorophytum.

Well, if you love contemporary style, multi-colored plastic furniture in combination with bright umbrellas – that's what you need. When making a porch can be used a variety of design decisions: to make it to the Absolutely Africa, in the classical style, to devote any historical era or a modern design. It all depends on your desires, tastes and budget. Patios, as loggias and balconies have become part of residential architecture in Italy during the Renaissance. In those days, the palaces of noble people for safety and security were built like fortresses and were closed. As a result of Architectural building courtyard was obtained, which spent most of the time, people living in the palace. After a while, started to decorate patios gazebos, flowers and sculptures. Then came the install benches and tables, and patios have become a kind of recreation. They are still very popular, especially in countries with warm climates. In all the southern countries, the patio – is not only mandatory component of the home, but part of the culture of this nation. In each country, the patio has its own name. Patio is a sort of lounge and reception in the open air, lined with palm trees, laurel, yucca, citrus, pomegranate, oleander, and of course, numerous varieties of roses. Furniture usually is a different type of deck chairs, rocking chairs, chaise lounges, made of wood, plastic or wicker. Special attention is paid to a patio was cool. The hosts have great pleasure in spending time in comfortable and cool courtyards of their own or with guests. In our band, the courtyards are the privilege of country houses and cottages. They can be used for entertaining and privacy. Patio – a place where you can spend time with family, and you can relax or sunbathe myself. The ideal would be a patio, which Located along the walls of the cottage. It is advisable to plant yard in such species of shrubs and flowers, that he was buried in flowers and greens from early spring until late autumn. And you can create a corner of the eastern garden on the bank of a small an artificial pond to lay out a number of beautiful stones and planted rhododendrons and maples krasnolistny. If you want the patio looked particularly harmonious and beautiful, you can ask for help professional designers.


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In times to postmoder to us unique the important thing is to live the moment and, that yes, never to stop consuming although is no money for it. That is the new American dream, to live a life over the true possibilities. The consumption has hyped the majority of human relations. It is enough with reflecting in how moral convention to give a present has become the most habitual way to show affection towards another person and in as always it is necessary to tell on the economic impact that it estimates. By something it will be that the etymological coincidence takes to us to think that the best present is not other that the own present. The majors benefits have been always the main objective of the companies but now, far from the paternalistic attitudes of the fordismo, the policies of reduction of costs are fattened especially with manpower. If somebody no longer is profitable it replaces to him without more miramientos.

Cases like the one of Joan Ramon Vilamaj, employee Barcelonian of 45 years, that was dismissed by the insuring Operating Lico of Bank-Safe ten days after a lung cancer was diagnosed to him, are a clear example of the fragility and the insecurity that they must confront day to day the workers of the company of the 21st century. As if it was a reedicin of the largometraje Modern Times, in which Charles Chaplin related the desperate conditions of use that the working class had to support during the time of the great depression of 1929, the gears of the great multinationals, with branchs distributed by all the globe, are dehumanized a process of production in which more the people are only a resource, dispensable if the accounts of the company require therefore it. The system convulso and money changer in whom they are inserted has been undressing of its rights until turning them into simple robots who execute the same task time and time again. In the factories of nowadays there is time nor no place for the human imperfections. A possible solution would be to locate to the company and the worker in the same side of the balance to win to the uncertainty. After all the industralists, like us, also have soul.


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They are final goods that are offered the consumers, while others constitute intermediate services that they form part of other cultural products. Some cultural goods are social lasting consumption or industrial goods as, respectively, a Place of fetichism of Candombl that generates services throughout its existence or a work of art or a book. Others, especially the scenic arts, only exist at a moment concrete. As visa the cultural economy deals with an extremely complex sector, constituted of an extensive net of relations that, in 2 the regions less developed, they occur notadamente in ' ' inferior circuits of cidade' ' , in its relations of survival to the times independent e, others, in interaction with ' ' circuit superior' ' (SAINTS, 1979). It transits for a field marked for the informality and the misticismo that, in innumerable cases, if keeps irreducible and closed to the formal society, as a parallel way of life, prevailed for a proper logic, that little has to see with globalizada modernity, when is not assumen of this, placing it its service. It fits to clarify that also much exists confusion on the concepts of local and endogenous development which, in this work, are understood as synonymous.

Thus when the local development of one determined space occurs as consequence of exgenos factors would have to be called it of regional development simply. We consider ' ' the endogenous development (or place) as one processodiferente for servoluntrio and agreement, or pelomenos known, for the set deuma concrete collective where if it carries through a differentiated process of that entorno occurs in next, by means of the introduction of innovations that its productive activities generate added value and cotidianas' ' (GONZALEZ, 1998, p.6). It is observed that the endogenous development obeys a vision territorial (and not functional) of the processes of growth and structural change, that has left of a hypothesis of that the territory is not only one mere physical support of objects, economic activities and processes, but that it is, also, a transformation agent territorial, according to Agnew & Ducan (1989), Giddens (1991) and Albagli (1999) apud Lastres and Cassiolato (2000).


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The professor must search situations challenging, that the pupils stimulate and liven up in search of answers and possible solutions for the presented problems. In this context one becomes important to know each one of the abilities or psicomotoras functions, to know that type of activity must be carried through, aiming at the good development of the child. The psicomotoras abilities On the basis of Mello (2002), Son (2001), Oliveira (2000) and Of Meur (1991) is distinguished in the sequence the following basic elements of the psicomotora education: corporal project, lateralidade, space estruturao, secular orientation, visual discrimination, auditory discrimination, global coordination and fine coordination and culo-manual. Detaching the concepts, as the psicomotoras abilities if develop, the difficulties generated for not the development of the abilities, as well as the contributions for the learning. Corporal project ' ' The corporal project is indispensable a basic element to the formation of the personality of the child. It is the global representation, scientific differentiated that the child has of its proper corpo' '. (WALLON apud SON, 2001, p.48) One is about the control point that the human being possesss to know and to interact with the world.

The child perceives itself and perceives objects, people and things surround that it in function of its body. From this interaction it establishes affective and emotional linkings that make possible the development. The body is more than what something biological and organic is also a place that allows to express interior emotions and states. Get all the facts and insights with Small Business Finance Exchange, another great source of information. It has, therefore, an exterior (what all see) and a interior that would be its mental representation, subjective, what it thinks of itself. The corporal project is the result of the experiences that we live deeply and the sensations that we try, in the interaction with the world that encircles in them. Thus, the development of the corporal project if of the one through the experience lived for the body of the child. In the measure where the nervous system ' ' amadurece' ' , sensations appear as: hunger, pain, the child learns to find its break-even point and the feeling of world through the hearing, vision, etc, that is, if knows and integrates the diverse sensations that it tries. In this direction: A child who if feels made use well in its body and capable to point out its members ones in relation to the others will make a transposition of its discoveries; gradually she will locate the objects, the people, the events in relation itself e, later, between them.

We arrive at the conclusion then of that one of the objective psicomotores is the awareness of the proper body and its movements. (SON, 2001, P. 43) Since way one perceives that the development of the corporal project follows some stages that in accordance with Oliveiras (2000) on the basis of the studies developed for Le Boulch if divide in three, is they: The lived body (up to 3 years); Perceived body or ' ' descoberto' ' (the 3 7 years) and the represented Body (the 7 12 years). In the stage of the lived body (up to 3 years), the objective is to take the c

Sustainable Development

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Intent to the effect in special in the developing countries, Lamy ' ' it arrived to cite the presidents of Brazil and the United States, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva and Barack Obama, that have detached the necessity to resist the domestic pressures for protectionistic measures and to keep the open economy to the competition externa.' ' (GLOBE ON LINE, 2009) Another reason for antagonisms is that it continues growing the awareness of the society, green express through ONGs ambientalistas, political parties, conscientious citizens, politicians and entrepreneurs, ambiently responsible companies social and. Positionings based on the preservacionista awareness defend the common interest to keep, whole number the Environment and the beings livings creature in the planet, healthful and sustainable. In the way of this business, defending specifically interests it Environment, the implications can be interpreted in function of the impacts on ecosystems. The globalization can be, promptly, as positive for defenders of the Environment who act in the awareness and mobilization of the society, for its capacity to transpose borders. Radio, Televiso and Internet, for example, are half of great reach basic for the Social Communication compromissada with the promotion of the responsibility (individual, collective, governmental or enterprise), powerful to acquire knowledge and to mobilize the society, to spread out orientaes that were not learned in the school nor in house, to divulge preservation campaigns, to spread the reaproximao of the people to the Environment.

the last one reason is dobradinha precision and urgency in making the transistion for the Sustainable Development. The defense of the Sustainable Development, based in the question of deep of the implications of the foreign commerce on the Environment, justifies antagonistic positionings to the model of effective development. The effect are negative or positive according to perspective of reach of the Sustainable Development, that is, in the measure where the foreign commerce practises its aiding as global norm. .


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Professionals must be apt to take initiatives, in such a way to make the management and administration of the work force, how much of the physical and material resources of the information, in the same way that they must be apt to be enterprising, managing, employers or leaderships in the team of sade’ ‘. 8-9 Administration and Management For the development of the ability administration and management are considered indispensable the set of identified knowledge to plan, to take decisions, to interact and management of staff. Thus in the DCNs, with emphasis in the administrative functions, the planning, organization, coordination, direction and control of the health services are distinguished, beyond the specific knowledge of economic the social area/that they allow the manager to set in motion given and information of the context macro and microorganizacional, and to analyze them in order to subsidize the management of human resources, material, physical and financial resources. In such a way, it is distinguished that in the area of the nursing the management was historically incorporated as function of the nurse. Therefore, always ‘ had in the process of formation of these professionals a preparation; ‘ mnimo’ ‘ to assume this role. However, the DCNs extends this ability for other professionals of health.

Empirically, we know that the careers of the health area are few that include discipline come back to the management of services of health in the graduation. Exactly amongst the current controlling of health services, a small percentage if specializes in management. FINAL CONSIDERAES Ahead of the presented one in this work, are noticed that it is of much importance the acquisition of the nurse in the context of manages, a time that this professional has intrinsic characteristics to be a good administrator and for the proper curricular grating who this had during its graduation, demanded for the DCNs.

Essence Packages

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So you have come to the point where it is worth considering the future of the essence of a present and its future owner of the line. Decide, unusual, funny or extremely useful things you most interest. Of course, defining the argument in this case – the nature of the object of giving, his tastes and preferences. Making a final decision, remember that your main goal – is the effect of fairy tales has become a reality, rather not the maximum value of the gift. Any of us have pleasant fact that the loved one is not gone round his attention. Gift elected. What's next? Pack it in a box or bag with trees and a bow? This option is possible, but there's no miracle! Good reception with packing – small in size to wrap a gift in a lot of packages or boxes, nested in such a way as to obtain a huge package.

Deploy any opaque packaging is always interesting. I would like to open the gift as soon as possible to quench the thirst of their curiosity. Imagine how much more interest to your surprise will increase if the gift packages for gift will be about a dozen? By the way, after all, and you can hide a great gift in a small box. An example is simple – you bring the car in the hands as a gift, but the keys from him, packed the techniques described above – easily! Thus, gift purchased in advance, wrapped and securely hidden from the eyes of the future owner.

The Thematic

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We can prove the idea of life associated with the freedom through the expressions: I want to live, to drink perfumes, wild flower, white candle, the future amongst others. In contraposition, we associate with the death the expressions: shady voice, sleep, cold ljea, terrible voice, funerary voice and others as we can verify in the stretches that if follow: ‘ ‘ Oh! I want to live, to drink perfumes In the wild flower, that embalms ares.’ ‘ (P. 72).

In contraposition with the following one: ‘ ‘ To die? to see dead person amongst nvoas the fanal, that in the guide in the storm: Condemned? to listen you fold of bell, – Voice of the death, that the death it lamenta.’ ‘ (P. 73). The poetry of I castrate Alves, thus, is characterized for the movement that communicates to everything, in a dinamizao of the life that does not exclude deceased, of where in ‘ ‘ When I morrer’ ‘ to compare them it: ‘ ‘ Shady emigrants who if embark For plagas without end of the other mundo.’ ‘ (P. 131). Thus, we perceive in this subject the problematic existencial, implying, mainly, the death and the questioning of the being of the poet.

Still regarding to the thematic castroalvina, it agrees to detach the thematic one of the gracious lyricism of the passions, of the loves. In these compositions and others of the same time one will notice that I castrate Alves had evolved for a more limpid form and some times same ‘ ‘ more it has taken and delicada’ ‘ (GOMES, 1971, p.16). The love if involves, many times, of sensuality, erasing itself it image of the pure and etrea woman, so decanted in the romantismo. The figure of the woman who appears in the first shade of ‘ ‘ The angels of the stocking noite’ ‘ , he is sensual.

The Data

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3. – It rests, studies in a university demonstrate that they remember better those students than they took rest before presenting/displaying a test to which they did not stop to study. As well as charges your telephone, also rests are needed to recharge the memory. 4. – Organzate, organized Data good and with coherence are much more simple to remember, for example a song. 5. – It uses the repetition, but you do not repeat like robot, most recommendable it is the repetition aloud and it deals with " Visualizar" the data to memorise. 6.

– It sees beyond your ordinary tasks, when you realise always preguntante activity What so if? And you will put to work very many the mind. 7. Alimentante healthily, rests and realises any physical activity. 8. – Listening music, excellent, music (mainly the classic one), it maintains all the cerebral functions active. Besides developing the memory, you develop the auditory line of vision and. It seems complicated to apply each to YOU of them? What so if you cheer up to realise one per month? Sides the change from the first month, and when each of them is part of your daily life, I assure to you that you will have a developed memory and list for the success that hopes to you! You want to know the best exercises memorization, visits Today " I would like that you will leave me a commentary on this article that you finish reading and also cuntame a little and tell me which is your main frustration, at the time of trying to remember or to memorise something, I personally will be answering his questions and comentarios." It walks the future towards > > Original author and source of the article.

Canguaretama Community

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The origin of the Catu community retraces to the Brazilian colonial period, time marked for the great expansion of the missions jesuticas for all the domestic territory. In the roundnesses of the city of Canguaretama two aboriginal tribes existed who placed themselves there: potiguares and the cariris. Descendants of these tribes, take prominence in the settling of areas beyond Canguaretama the brothers Antonio and Joo Catu. The first one being in the mediaes of the current territory of Goianinha was married a tapuia indian giving to origin the great part of the descendants who until today exist in the place. As, migra for the areas of the current White Sand city. Times after the coming of the brothers and dissemination of its culture, happened migratory flows of the city of Canguaretama had used to advantage the dense existing Atlantic Bush for the production of coal and its use of electric energy. Such activity was the precursor for the processes of devastao and its consequent interference in bioma that it culminated with great loss of the hunting and fishes used for the aboriginals for the extinguishing of suitable species Atlantic Mata. Of agreement with the professor Catu Luiz, inhabitant and representative of the aboriginal local population next to FUNAI, the cultural territory of the population presents a great area of abrangncia all, being to three catus located in this region.

According to it, the existence of such territory is important to keep the identity of the place as well as the preservation of the partner-ambient space. Internal measures have been taken for such try as the creation of ecological tracks, that not only aim at the appreciation of the landscape but also the collection of deep for the maintenance of same and mainly the awareness of the external population concerning the existing community and the problems for faced them. 2.METODOLOGIA the following work was carried through through visit in locu, where we analyze the social side as the relations between the population, the resources that are available they and the conditions of these resources, as well as also were taken in account the economic question of the community as the main cultivated product, the relations of plantation and sales of these products as well as the consequences of the proximity to a plant for the community.

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