Archive for August, 2020

Roberto Trigall

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In the case of an artist, musician and poet, he worked more frequently the right cerebral hemisphere. We are always talking about people who use half of your body or right hemibody origin with greater skill, commonly those called dexterous. For left-handers, according to some research occurs the same thing, but in reverse. Where the left cerebral hemisphere acts imagining and creating, while the right feels logical and rational way. The four functions of awareness for a better understanding of the awareness, we will describe its four functions. (1) Thinking: It is characterized by a permanent use of thought and reason.

(2) Feeling: There is a predominance of emotions, feelings and moods. (3) Sensopercibir: Work primarily the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and their perception (colour, noise, smells, taste and body contact). There is much interest in the world of the material (houses, cars, objects in general, everything to do with nature, etc). (4) Intuit: There are situations which we can not perceive them through the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) but we Intuit them despite everything (essential or spiritual type issues). There are people who like dominance thinking and hard time to express his true feelings. Others are governed by the feel, where everything that happens in life, living very movingly, as if it were a matter of life or death. There are those that are handled in the world of sensations and perceptions (sensopercibir), giving much importance to material things. Finally there are those who can Intuit or put your full attention not in material things, but in the essence or spiritual.

Then there are those who are only handled by logic and reason (left in right-handers and left-handers right cerebral hemisphere), and so also we can find that only create, imagine and imagine interests them (cerebral hemisphere in the right-handed left and right in left-handers). Some tips to keep in mind: 1) self-observation begin to observe us, to realize which of the four functions of our consciousness (thinking, feeling, perceiving and Intuit) govern our lives. (2) Prevalence of any cerebral hemisphere with respect to the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain, may wonder: I tend to be very logical and rational?, I’m imagining and creating permanently? (3) We discover self-discovery by ourselves, if we usually have many ideas (thinking) or if they dominate the emotions (feel). You can that contact with material things and feelings that makes us interests us much (sensopercibir), or that need to be continuously in search of the spiritual (Intuit). Maybe we love numbers and logic or We have a strong tendency to imagination and creativity. When we discovered it, try to further develop the function we use less and that way get a true emotional harmonization. It is essential that the use of the cerebral hemispheres and the four functions of consciousness are well balanced, given that overuse of any of them bring us out of the internal harmonization. It is very necessary to think with logic and rationality, and thus also create, imagine and Intuit. Also be able to express what we feel, enjoying the sensations and the material world, without forgetting the essential or spiritual.

Stephanie Tatin

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Similar to these, are the madeleines. Nor can we fail to mention the bavarois, Macaroni charlottes, eclair, croissants, Paris Brest and mousses, all of them known worldwide. At the regional level there are also classics of French pastry; so we have that in Alsace, one of the delicacies that can not miss is the brioche bread. Made of eggs, milk and butter it has a characteristic golden colour, and dried fruit sprayed by its exterior can add. As any type of bread, can be found in various forms, but the most traditional are the thread, bun-shaped stuffed vainilla. In Britain, you need to try the far breton. It is a cake soft and sparkling, similar to the egg custard or pudding. In some cases is added rum, brandy, or liqueur of peaches, and its most famous version is the forn farz, which bears apples or plums.

In the Loire Valley, famous also for its castles, each more stunning than the last, have a world-famous dessert: Tarte Tatin, the work of the sisters Caroline and Stephanie Tatin. Due to a lucky accident, a tart apples fell inverted on mold, with the fill down, and since then caramelized fruits are hidden under the dough, giving rise to one of the most delicious desserts of French gastronomy. Languedoc-Roussillon impossible to mention the famous creme brulee, which literally means burnt cream. Cream and caramel are its essential components; the cream can flavor with vanilla, chocolate, liquors or fruits and we already know that candy is achieved to melt or burn the sugar placed on the surface, with a pastry torch. It is common to see this dessert in flames, and although it may seem a little alarming, this is the way in which candy reaches its point fair. Whether it is a delicious loaf of brioche that melts in the mouth, an opera or a saint honore, French desserts turn a simple meal into a memorable occasion. So exclusive are, like the Chocolate macaroni recipe for this week. Until soon friends.


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In synthesis, according to Plato, I love what he lacks to me or that I value, that is, I have the trend to look for in the other what we do not possess – or that we have in part – and that, a time obtaining, in the complete one and in we feel them satisfied with loved ours. What it has the loved one that in the complete one according to Plato? Intelligence and character that are above of the physical attributes. what in Schopenhauer says to them? Its explanation is less complex, more very controversial. According to Schopenhauer, the love is the one sexual impulse based in the Will of the Nature to perpetuate the species, that is, the love is a representation of the Will of inherent life the species human being. The other animals, saved homana species, do not need similar setimentos to the love to come close themselves to its partners and to procreate, but the men need one impurrozinho of what Schopenhauer flame of present Will in the nature and that she is manifest in the species human being. The love is entido as a cunning that is usofroda for the Will for the men to multiply, therefore, if from they hung from the proper man to be come close to the opposing sex to procreate the species would be threatened of extinso due to the egoism. But this affirmation does not justify the fact of the love to cause as much torment; of the desire caused for the passion, and not to establish the criterion for such desire; does not justify the fact of the atribuida illusion something that is transcendente to our will? the manifest Will in the nature and that I conducted all the species – as autoconservao. However, in the measure where we get passionate in them, it affirms Schopenhauer, us we desire to the qualities gifts in the opposing sex in which they will be part of our future one creates; moreover, we will not go to desire those that cannot in giving fruits to them and also we will not desire those that in will give fruits to them in which they will not correpondero with the espectativas of beauty and vivacity. .

The Differences

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To affirm my rank I can illustrate with the reign of Saul that arrived at the reign not for merit, but for the outcry of the people and Divine justice in to correct its sheep.In search of the lost mules 1 Samuel 9:3 ' ' the jumentas had been lost of Wanted, father of Saul; therefore it said Wanted the Saul, its son: It now takes with you one of the young men, and raises you and it goes to look jumentas.' '1 Samuel 9:7 and when Samuel saw the Saul, Mr. answered to it: Here it is the man of who I spoke to you here. This will dominate on my people.1 Samuel 6 8:6 and 8 However this word seemed badly to the eyes of Samuel, when they had said: Of – us a king, so that he judges in them. Samuel prayed the Mr.8 Then in that day clamareis because of your king, who it will have chosen; but Mr. will not hear you in that day. The insubordination is something horrible to the eyes of Elohim (God), when the leader is chosen by the people, the people will have that to arcar with the Biblical phrase ' ' Then in that day clamareis because of your king, who it will have chosen; but Mr. will not hear in that one dia.&#039 to you; 'To lead is to possess the maestria to obtain that different voices entoem the same sing, and to make with that different instruments touch the same song each one with its particularitities, but in harmony.It will always have untuned, but this is part of the great orchestra of the life, will arrebentaro some cuts, had rusted some instruments, but nothing that a good oil does not help. The important one is that the leader knows orquestradamente to conduct independent of the differences, respecting the time, the compass and the halftones of each one.

Power Exercise

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It is by that the nutrilogos we insisted on the importance of modifying the daily habits of feeding more than to only follow a diet to lower of weight by a certain time. The time during which that plan is followed to lower of weight must serve like training to learn a to eat one more a more healthful diet and with smaller densidad energetics (less calories by gram of food) for always. But in addition, tricks exist some that can serve to accelerate the metabolism and to increase the spent calories to the day, which will allow to lower us of weight or to still maintain a weight healthful consuming more foods. Some of these tricks are: To increase the mass muscular. The power cost of people with more muscular mass is much greater than the one of the people with less muscle. The muscles require more of the double of calories that the corporal fat to stay. So if to accelerate the metabolism he is advisable to add to the routine of aerobic exercise at least two sessions per week of exercises to fortify muscles.

The exercises for the abdominal ones will help to maintain that area signs and therefore the waist will be seen more streamlined, but to increase cost metabolic it will be necessary to work all the muscular groups: abdomen, legs, glteos, chest, back and arms. To increase intensity of the routine of aerobic exercise. During the hours following to a session of aerobic exercise the metabolism is increased. The exercise of high intensity increases plus the power cost and during more time. Therefore it turns out useful to try to increase a little the intensity of the exercise or to put in intervals of high intensity with others of moderate or low intensity. To eat with more frequency and to avoid the fastings and the very low diets in calories.

The Body Pharmacy

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The type 2 diabetes at greater weight, increased the risk of type 2 diabetes. More than 80% of people who suffer from this type of diabetes also suffer from overweight. Cancer obese men or with overweight also have an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as: colon, bladder, prostate and kidney cancer. Steatosis Hepatica men suffering from overweight also have a high risk of acquiring non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis due to insulin resistance. Major IMC, worst picture of liver disease. Disorders of gallbladder obese men have 3 times more likely to suffer from diseases of the gallbladder that a healthy man.

Respiratory problems obese men are more likely to suffer from apnea during sleep, asthma, severe bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. Increased risk of arthritis due to overweight, obese men are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis, especially in the knees. Social and emotional stigma many men who suffer from overweight have self-esteem problems. Society in general tends to belittle the obese. Can be complex and hard find appropriate clothing, a partner and may even suffer discrimination by having to catch a flight, go to a restaurant, and many other unpleasant things. What can you do in this respect? If you suffer from overweight or obese, there are many things you can do to change your life completely.

Diets and exercises are a good start, and visit your doctor and ask for advice is another big step. In many cases the certain diet pills can be a very useful tool in wanting to remove those extra pounds. In extreme cases, even a valid option are the surgeries of various types. Remember, each step taken in this direction is a step that brings you closer to a healthy lifestyle in all aspects. Consult your doctor, and visit thebodypharmacy. It is for more information. Founded in June 2007, The Body Pharmacy has specialized in the sale of a wide range of herbal products for health and beauty, of which some can be a bit embarrassing to buy in person. We are committed to give the best service possible customer since we firmly believe in bringing our business with integrity, honesty, and flexibility.


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The first day of practice focused on resellers, authorize in the specialist programme would allow, and beinhaltet exercises to the anti spam and virus protection (SpamFinder), as well as E-Mail Archiving (MailDepot). The training sequences treat in particular the configuration of both solutions, the integration of same in the operative operation and use of the MSX agent. Also, the training participants will receive further information around the failover beTrieb, assistance in the support area as well as additional tips and tricks. The second day of the certification training focuses on the topic of digital SignTUR and Verschlusselung e-mail”. The technical training offers numerous case studies in this area and indicate possible usage scenarios to the participants. With the SEcond day turns sysob primarily to retail partners, who want to become active in the future as REDDOXX premium partner. More information about the training: index.php? n = 2,112,1,119#reddoxx. Interested can link to participate register at: index.php? n = 2,113,1,120.

In brief: sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG the sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG is a value added distributor specializing in the distribution of leading IT security products. Based on its existing product portfolio sysob as one of the leading value added “-Distributoren (VAD) with more than 500 partners in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland a wide range of future-oriented IT-security solutions offered. This gives the reseller klares differentiation potential and better margins compared with its competitors. UmfangreiChe service or support concepts, an active sales force, as well as a far-reaching technical Unterstutzung of the reseller at extensive installations and projects on-site round off the service portfolio. sysob has a wide range of tried and tested Products from competent manufacturers such as Allot Communications, alloy software, array networks, Barracuda Networks, Clavister, cynapspro, DeviceLock, ERICOM, ETECHNOLOGIE, expand networks, HP thin clients, HP ProCurve, Insightix, Meru Networks, NETASQ, Procera networks, Propalms, Proxim Wireless, Rangee, REDDOXX, RemoteScan, TELLnet, Thinstuff and vertico software. More info: sysob IT distribution GmbH & co.

Allot Communications

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The resulting maximum precision and accurate control of services such as video and voice. PacketLogic appliances are available in scalable and flexible designs. Thomas Hruby, Managing Director of sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG, commented: we very much welcome the cooperation with Procera networks. With the products of our new partners, we expand our range for the channel in the field of security. In conjunction with our comprehensive service and support services and the active sales force an attractive solution that fully meets the requirements of the market resulting reseller partnership with Procera.” Core features of PacketLogic: no separate management servers for the default operation necessary asymmetric traffic (flow sync and sync queue) PacketLogic statistics daemon (PLSD) very fast analysis and representation in the second rhythm management software runs on Apple OS X, Linux, or Microsoft Windows and is free of charge DFI flows are deeply analyzed, E.g.

up to the name of the user or the phone number for VoIP u.v.m. flag objects be forgiven if the applications are not clearly recognized, and can be managed with a rule pretty much programmable API interface and Python programming language rules based on domain names possible CALEA interface recording data to a file, to new developer team applications customer-specific DHCP or RADIUS based rule definition create to let easy backup/restore BGP listening AS numbers (for providers) brief description: sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG the sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG is a value added distributor specializing in the distribution of leading IT security products. Based on its existing product portfolio offers sysob, as one of the leading value added “distributors (VAD) with already over 400 partners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, a wide range of future-oriented IT-security solutions.

Rarrisi Meighen

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" Honor of the authorship, is likely to be recognized for a very famous gentleman by the name of Archimedes. Let's begin. Over 250 years before Christ Greek physicist pondered jet principle of movement and even came close to today's decision, suggesting a screw lift the water (the auger in the pipe). Long screw in the tube was rotated human muscle power. The same idea was brought back to life two inventors in 1661 in England. But only with the invention of Watt steam engine in 1765 were achieved tangible results. Then Rarrisi Meighen and created a steam-driven pump for pumping water from the holds of ships with the release of a jet of water through the stern, and for Between 1830 and 1860 only one in England had been issued at least 35 patents for the realization of such devices. The most perfect type of pump was set up in London by Henry Bessemer in 1849.

It was the axial pump with a suction tube to a forward and with two nozzles on the back side. Bessemer even put the fan in front of and behind the screw to straighten the water supply and a jet to compensate for losses caused by the rotation of the water jet. Another design was Alexander Hedyardom proposed in 1852: it had swivel nozzle, which can be directed forward or backward. The pump sucked water through a hole in the bottom of the ship and threw it through the feed. Rotate jet to turn the ship.

Kolarov And

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Comparative histology of the respiratory system problems Histochemistry Histology blood tissue Experimental Biology Methods of histological techniques is the author of over 100 publications and scientific communications in Bulgaria and abroad 12,13,18, more than 5 inventions and rationalizations, co-author of the monograph 5, the textbook General histology and embryology, “17 and guidelines for training in histology and embryology 8 Prof. B. Dock fluent many foreign languages – French, Hungarian, Russian, Czech, Turkish, English. Knowledge of more than 6 languages helped to intensive international contacts 18. He has been an active member of many foreign scientific associations 18: Association of Anatomists. International embryology laboratory (Utrecht, The Netherlands) French Anatomical Association of Balkan Medical Association 20 Bulgarian Association of Anatomists, histologists and embryologists (co-founder) died 25.6.1988 References 1.

Marinov G. – 40-th. Anniversary of department of anatomy, histology and embriology

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