Archive for May, 2017

Green Money 2010 – Guide To Socially Responsible Investment Issues Jungle

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Fox report ‘Green money 2010’ sustainability has become mainstream. In the shadow of the wind, green investment products have broken rail. Wind and solar were already booming. Meanwhile, real issues inflation is felt. Climate, geothermal energy, microfinance, water, forest, electric mobility: For every investor there is the matching theme and the products of the stock up to the certificate.

The variety of labels and products but often clueless leaves investors.”What can investors with numerous SRI products objectives and where the danger is the marketing by banks and product forging on the glue” to go? Example water: In the future the security of water supplies will be one of the most important tasks of mankind. And one of the most urgent: the world’s population grows steadily, and only one percent of global water resources are drinking water. To be added changes due to climate change. A new way of dealing with the lebendwichtigen resource is urgently needed. Basically, there are numerous ways to earn money with water.

Unless with the promotion (pumps, etc.), transportation, cleaning, or the desalination of sea water. Money can be earned at all points in the value chain. Which investments meet the SRI criteria, must be tested yet carefully. For example, Nestle sold some investors as a sustainable company, because it worldwide ensures that people are supplied with drinking water (bottled). Of course a good investment Nestle be. But whether the company meets moral and ecological standards, may be doubted. Green”investments are always a good bet for investors who are looking for a wide diversified portfolio. Sustainable investments imply that not the short-term yield objective of high risk. Longer run times and stable returns are hallmarks of sustainable investments. The Fox report Green money 2010 “clearly shows which topics have long-term potential and which products are the best – with detailed maps to the best products. So you keep track and find the matching green investment for themselves. More infos on Green money focus wood investments microfinance of investments of water green real estate geothermal and mixing plant forms of SRI products for every theme we analyze: the concept of the theme the market return and risk and specifically the best products Stefan Ziermann FUCHSBRIEFE, head of the Department