Archive for April, 2014
From today ticket action glory wars, Bernadette, A.I. and Holy was both was at browser game medieval, Holy, was also the fantasy RPGs glory wars and Bernadette and last but not least the science fiction browser game A.I.. There are hot extra rewards for redeeming tickets during the summer ticket action. As of today, there are for each ticket, which redeemed for premium status twice as much diamonds (everyone gets twice as much gold in holy-war) as usual. For each ticket, which will be redeemed for credits, amber or gold, there are each twice as much during the campaign. When Bernadette, A.I.
and glory was there are 20% more diamonds for each ticket, which will be redeemed for diamonds as well. The promotion will run until 8 August. The summer ticket action is only one of many actions and ideas, which is the team by GameArt Studio for its players a dropped. Thus there is E.g. currently glory wars and A.I. a recruit action and also the one introduced last year was up at the end of the month Shoutbox quiz at Holy was pleased remains popular. GameArt Studio Team wishes you a pleasant summer anyway, all players and fans and was lots of fun in the adventurous world of Holy, glory wars, Bernadette and A.I.! GameArt Studio: GameArt Studio GmbH was founded in Berlin in 2006 and quickly became one of the most innovative developers and publishers of so called browser games. Browser games are computer games where real players on the Internet participate with and against each other.
Can be played for free via any Internet browser. GameArt Studio excited already about 5 million players worldwide with his four Holy?
Should a local Computer application or even sharing on CD and DVD are made, the photo gallery into a self-extracting executable is packed. Feature online publishing”can that directly sends the finished photo gallery by email or downloaded to an FTP server. For further links on other Web portals at the end of the slide show URL can be included upon request with. Fotolights – Flash Gallery factory is not only easy to use, fast to create, but also customizable according to wishes of users and satisfies the modern photo presentation. Prices and availability of Franzis Fotolights – Flash Gallery factory is available for $ 29.99 as boxed version in stores, as well as under shipping as a box and download now.
ISBN: 978-3-645-70216-4 about Franzis Verlag GmbH: the Franzis book and software publishing is one of the most successful technical specialist publishers for books and software in the areas of electronics, computer, Internet, programming, telecommunications, photography and Advice for everyday life. Franzis products directed at beginners, enthusiasts and professionals of different areas of interest and are ideally suited as problem solutions, based on information and education claims. Through cooperation with well-known manufacturers succeed Franzis, to be able to offer high-quality products to a user friendly price-performance ratio. In the market segment Photography Studio, HDR 4.0 darkroom and Photoshop extensions are in addition to the numerous professional publications, including the Softwareapplikationen Photomatix Pro, SILKYPIX Developer an integral part for working with photos. Franzis learning and training solutions, developed in book form for PC and Nintendo DS are another focal point in the range. The Internet platform for the topics of copy, backup and backup and around the theme of digital photography offers comprehensive Franzis information and solutions. Seat of the company is Haar near Munich.
Already author ADRIOLO, Leonardo (2008) tells that, the motivation nor always this related to the remuneration, therefore exists other necessities that are related to the satisfaction, the example cited for it is of Luke Pittard, that after to receive a prize from the lottery and to be millionaire, if felt tired not to have nothing to make, thus appearing to the necessity of returns to its old job in the McDonalds, for better understanding of this work, needs to not only analyze the theory of Maslow, but also of Herzberg with its theory of the two factors. Theory of the Two Factors: Freederick Herzberg (1959) developed the theory of the Two Factors of the Motivation, that identifies different factors as being basic in the satisfaction in the work, calls of Factors of Hygiene and Factors of Motivation. The excellent aspects of the work to the necessities of animal nature are called Hygienical factors. The important aspects of the work for the growth necessities are called factors Motivation. These two factors will be presented in pictures 3 and 4 where Herzberg concludes that the satisfaction and the insatisfao in the work were products of two types of different experiences.
Traditional InsatisfaoConcepo No-satisfaoFatores Satisfaction of motivation InsatisfaoFatores Satisfaction of No-insatisfao hygiene Picture 3: Conceptions of the satisfaction in the work. Source: SOUTO, Eduardo. Organizacional behavior: the impact of the emotions. Translation technique of Jean Pierre Marras. So Paulo: Cengafe Learning, 2009,151 P. Fatores of motivation (Sources of satisfaction in the work) Factors of hygiene (Sources of insatisfao in the work) Interest in the work Responsibility Recognition Accomplishment Advance and crescimentoCondies of work Politics of the company Supervision Fellow workers Wage I sanction and security in the job. Picture 4: Examples of motivation factors and hygiene Source: SOUTO, Eduardo. Organizacional behavior: the impact of the emotions. Translation technique of Jean Pierre Marras.
The labor market today is a very interesting state: on the one hand, a large number of job offers, with another – the same number of applicants. Despite this, very often the situation when HR Manager, revising, about three dozen possible candidates, refuses to everyone. Why is this happening? More recently, to employ qualified it was relatively easy. Most Organizations can easily enable the employee to an established workflow through various training activities. Now, the situation looks quite different.
Employee qualification requirements tightened. Learning process and development must be continuous. So, these educated, motivated, unique and talented people is getting smaller. Simply because the demand for them increases. Very soon, these experts will does "scarce commodity".
I note that speaking about the "stars", we are not just talking about qualified experts, and we mean people with boundless energy, the driving force with unlimited potential, who can create and preserve the value of his company. And these "stars" are truly unique! For recruiters are beating the best companies. For their sake, we have scans of 30 candidates. "Stars" can be anywhere. They can be as active, and passive search. They may be in the current stream of applicants. Do not be afraid to "sift the sand" for the sake of their "diamonds." However, the stars are not just difficult to draw, but even harder to keep …. So how do these "stars" get? In First of all, we must review the standard methods of searching and selecting personnel. Sam recruiter must be unique.
At the interface of acts such as Sunrise Avenue, Stanfour, 3 doors down, and theory of A Deadman (fs) all good things are three: on 15 February, Excuse me Moses new Studio album will be released. It bears the simple title III”(global satellite, rough trade). Exactly so many years the Viennese alternative rockers for those third CD have taken up time, most trefflichsten with the label back to the roots, let’s Rock”could be provided. III”deliver” the earthy rock bullies (, assisted by producer Oliver Pinelli (unholy, in Extremo, Ben Becker), thirteen highly melodic songs at the interface of acts such as Sunrise Avenue, Stanfour, 3 doors down, theory of A Deadman, Soundgarden, creed or puddle of Mudd. The riffs are tight, the chorus catchy” summed up the work of the four-man formation.
Of the funk influences of earlier years it adopted be 2000 first long as Funkalicious’ founded and 2005 new-oriented and renamed group. Instead currently boast the Austrians to a straightforward, compact, powerful, rocking, sometimes downbeat crossover sound with catchy Hooklines. With this, the band impressed already with guest appearances in support of Bon Jovi and Nickelback. Numerous festival appearances, nominated for the Amadeus Award (2008) and the Grand Prix national and various chart positions bear witness to the special significance, excuse me Moses have earned in their homeland. 2013 want frontman/singer Michael Paukner, guitarist Dietmar Schrodl, drummer Martin Scheer, bassist Gerald Weichselbaum go a step further. III”control 2013 the next destination the Austro-rocker in the luggage. In the spring it is: course on Germany!
The Chinese philosopher Lao Tse knew whether in Cologne or elsewhere event agencies offer wide performance range for planning, organization and evaluation of business travel even the longest journey begins with the first step”in the 6th century BC. Like many ancient wisdom also this maxim has lost none of her veracity to the present day. For companies from the economic as well as social areas for institutions, establishments and organizations of different, this first step often means the contact of an event agency, providing travel management in their portfolio of services. Live communication and the exchange of data using state of the art communication facilities is the one, the other side of the coin are the personal, direct encounters between professionals, customers, or otherwise interested. The latter are indispensable in the digital age. Whether congresses, conferences, trade fairs or business travel deutschland-, Europe or worldwide: the theme of travel is gaining importance and arises in times of global exchange as extremely complex issue dar. Clients of various industries are therefore well advised to use the services of an event agency specialized in travel management.
So the client can focus entirely on the content side of its event or project implementation. As I said: business travel management is a highly complex issue with a correspondingly wide range of tasks. Are essentially in the travel management by the specialists of the event agency to edit six closely interlinked areas: strategic purchasing of travel services cost analysis planning the trip booking travel travel expenses travel expenses controlling whether an event agency from Cologne or elsewhere of acts when she put their focus on travel management, are your specialists for business travel management over have a solid technical basis, such as, for example, the training of travel manager or as a travel manager or to the specialist or the specialist for business travel and Mobility management is guaranteed.
Especially because the program will avoid annoying bugs that are periodically found in the calculations of a structured cabling system in terms of work in time tseyknote. Engineers have, of course, have their own forms and blanks for the calculations in Excel, but the manager to sort out these calculations are not possible, let and engineers had to do manually insert and delete records in Excel spreadsheet, which can lead to errors in the calculations. After receiving payment from an engineer manager anyway have to affix a price manually and recalculate prices for different clients, take into account the discount, the status of the client, the changing exchange rate, etc. Program Calculator scs lanmaster allows you to: quickly create specifications for materials and work; recalculate the price of one notional unit in the another, taking into account discounts or surcharges imposed, taking into account the changing exchange rate, to create a table of sections of conduit for all communications and work space; calculate the structured cabling system for based on floor space. The program helps engineers and managers to quickly and easily through the process of pre-sale, save considerably on their time, the primary data object can make even a secretary.
Many clients to evaluate the company on how much of it quickly and provides estimates of scs and how well and efficiently is as provided by the specification. Calculator program scs increases the chances of the company to receive order and allows the project manager on communicating with the client and the designer of scs to work on specific ongoing projects. Feedback on the program calculation scs Cherepanov Nikolai Alekseevich, Deputy General Director of "Incisa", Ekaterinburg: "Convenient and simple program. It is much faster to create on the sca. Particularly liked the module conversion price Dmitry Kamenev, Satellite Systems Security : "The program is actually very good, and if over time more and expand its functionality (the ideas that were discussed at the workshop) – the price it will not. By the way – nothing you do not defend I think Russia needs to protect all the "Elena Petrova, Telros Telecom, St. Petersburg:" It is very useful thing, you should definitely buy it. The program greatly reduced time and labor costs in the calculation of cu "
Eco fashion for human rights from the artists Studio show the pictures of a collapsed textile factory in Bangladesh with hundreds of dead there these days once more: the cheap fashion in this country is elsewhere of people expensive with their health or even their lives paid. Inhuman working conditions, low pay, toxic fumes, dangerous jobs: Clothing cheap to make, big brand companies nothing seem to shy away. Two who had had enough of it, are ANA & ANDA, pair of artists from Karlsruhe, Germany. The two extravagant women dress like pants suits with matching silk accessories such as scarves, ties and fly. ANA & ANDA tell “when the suits we long rely on Second-Hand goods – the number of well-stocked shops is rising constantly luckily”. When flying, silk scarves and ties but they had found no fair produced alternatives. Because the look, throw the two women on the production conditions, the strict and goes to the raw materials back. “What good is us the tie made in Germany or Italy, if the Silk for this again comes from dubious sources in Asia?”, they ask critically. The artists, advocating for human rights for many years with music and performing arts, took the issue into their own hands: they founded the eco fashion label “sustainable elegance” 2010 and find, establishing ties, flies and cloths from fair-trade organic silk itself. To achieve the highest degree of sustainability, they relate only uncolored, white organic silk. They do everything else in their Karlsruhe artists Studio itself: of colouring through the cutting and sewing to packaging and shipping. That the ties and flying scarves must meet the highest standards this self-evident when ANA & ANDA: after all, they wear their bio-silk accessories themselves during their performances on stage. “But a beautiful side-effect is that we allow” the artists explain individual manufacture any color can offer desire”. Matching ties and fly to wedding dresses, shirts or suits have become its speciality, even Bridal Shoes were sent as a color swatch in the artists Studio. The clientele is often the matching color in the foreground. “For us, but the most important is to be able to prove that textile production also works without exploitation with the bio silk accessories still!”, say ANA & ANDA. And disappear in her Studio to produce fair trade accessories made of organic silk between the samples for their concerts. More about the “sustainable elegance”: more about ANA & ANDA: press area with interviews, background reports and photos: ANA & ANDA Werder RT 70 76137 Karlsruhe Tel. 0721 384 16 84 and 830 61 29
TOKYOPOP with mosaic Entertainment has Vela Studios won two new cooperation partners. TOKYOPOP with mosaic Entertainment has Vela Studios won two new cooperation partners. The two comic book publishers have a wide range of high-quality comics which now exposes the Vela as a digital output for mobile devices and the Web. “Both publishers are not newcomers to the digital market: in 2008 it was iPod capable of a complete comic book mosaic publishing” has made. The Special on the mosaic eComics was already at that time the dialogues in the balloons were set to music, i.e. spoken by actors.
The first steps in the digital world behind also some years at TOKYOPO. Now the next step follows with the cooperation with Vela entertainment. About the comic book marketplace by Vela entertainment known folders soon will be available set – and using guided reading technology, optimized for mobile smartphones, tablets (PADS), and the Web. The mosaic the mosaic publishing house was founded in 1975 in Berlin. Appears for 35 years monthly comic magazine, the mosaic with the well known Abrafaxen.
These are Abrax, Brabax and Cali fax that adventures in the history of the world. The renowned comic magazine ZACK, as well as the mosaic for girl with gin, Bella and Anna are quarterly more publications. The collaboration between Vela and the mosaic publishing house was sealed in February. Sebastian Wannamaker, CEO of Vela Entertainment Studios do this: soon starts our comic platform with hundreds of high-quality comics and graphic novels. With our new partners in Tokyo pop and mosaic we can offer now the Abrafaxe across known over generations and some of the most popular mangas.” When the Abrafaxe comics from the classic series, are set to music from the series with the philosopher’s stone and also English-language from the 400 series. Tokyo pop life trees, including Grimm’s manga, Gothic sports offered by guardian in the first step.