Archive for February 16th, 2010

Soncino Castle

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The “Rocca” (strength in Italian) was built in the fifteenth century (between 1473 and 1475) commissioned by duca Galeazzo Maria Sforza. The final design is due to the military architect Bartolomeo Gadio Cremonese, mentre work were later followed by soncineses armories, reaching the final aspect that included nine towers along a mile of wall. The Sforza propietdad maintained until 1499 when it passed to the Venetians in 1522 suffered the siege of Lautrec, Marshal of France, which was to end up.After serving as a refuge for Francesco II Sforza, became the French and Spanish, losing its original function until the Milanese family of Stampa, that the marquis had r c ba Soncino a fief of Charles V, the destination residence. The last siege was in 1705 by Eugene of Savoy, mentre propritario the last in 1876, Marquis M. Cesare Stampa, donated to the Comune, who entrusted the restoration by architect Luca Beltrami. Entering from the west gate of the wall, after having passed the gulf, stands the fortress, built entirely in brick, consisting of two separate enclosures and pit quadrilateral with four towers, angular, reminiscent of the massive battlements. The particular and complex architectural design of the castle / fortress do consider one of the most interesting buildings of Lombardy. On several occasions the castle was used to film stage among which was the best known internationally Ladyhawke in 1985, although it is also important to mention “The profession of arms” by Ermanno Olmi best known for his much-awarded film “The Tree the Swedes’ and commented on one of my first post. Poster del film Ladyhawke



Tellez’s Hypothesis and the speculative faculty Ll the evidence suggests that even the mishap that killed Mourino and Vasconcelos was, or avionazo or “avionazo. At first glance, both options were likely at the outset be wise credible. In particular, the hypothesis of the attack looked acceptably consistent.The early evidence suggested rather than the bad faith of the citizens are saying as lightly those available in the hours following the occurrence of the incident (the enigmatic statement by the comptroller on a call-season, the testimony about a fire or light in the ship, landing in respect invested) and the indirect or contextual (the terrible destruction brought about by the fight against the drug mafia, the proximity of the passenger Mouri o with the first Mexican president who dares to confront them seriously, the reward offered publicly by the head of the passenger Santiago Vasconcelos, the quality of the electability of the former interior secretary who was challenged by a president too, etc.).. S ome inconsistencies of Luis Tellez Kuenzler presidential also added to the grounds immediately suspected an attack. First, their prominence.Nobody can ignore that the Secretary of Communications and Transport was quick to expose too much, just a few minutes of the tragedy, his reckless accident hypothesis. Long should have learned from aviation economist Dr. Luis Tellez since he was director of Treasury Planning to De la Madrid arriegar responsible for knowing the hypothesis that the life of one of the passengers had been publicly traded 5 million ! N Second, it seems clear that if we had planned the attack scenario with professionalism (something feasible, given the quality of two passengers), it was possible that his execution count on the complicity of staff of the unit that monopolizes the technical means to affect the flight of a jet: Tellez led precisely.As part of the eventual investigation of the two natural assumptions, it can be postulated that the former campaign manager, Ernesto Zedillo was quick to become judge of his own hypothetical case. (Such audacity is very light and in thrillers and detective novels.) I n the third place, again Luis Tellez. To reduce the reflection not ad hominem attacks, it should formulate the conjecture: T llez was high-flying politician in the last phase of priate, the issue of assassinations and corruption rampant: PRI is an old school, former democratic transition. So what -will be replicated. And at this point, the repute of the Mexican public servants … are suffering from the absence of a correct diagnosis of what was (is) be proud of PRI politician priate. (In fact, the PRI has never offered an apology to the citizens of the democratic transition so that was priate.Beatrice Bartlett, Gamboa and company strut, as if nothing memory governments which democratic nations considered semitotalitarios or outright totalitarian. But now assumed to be the moral judges of the transition negotiated by Luis H. lvarez left first and then-and every time they get!). T he hypothesis of the accident was weakened by the prominence of the economist Tellez and his improvisation as an expert in aeronautics. But in reality the Mexican press said with very few exceptions, perhaps out of pure habit-wrought-priate doggedly during the of “backing” The official version instead of investigating and reasoning of an independent and free. (It is not mere ingenuity of poor reporting, but psychological habit.