Archive for October, 2009

Abandoning nuclear energy

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State humana insurance of current nuclear policy in the world. Countries with nuclear reactors in operation and others under construction. Countries build its first reactor. Countries that are considering today the individual insurance construction of new reactors. Countries that are considering building its first reactor. Countries which have reactors but are not considering changes to its current policy. Countries that insurance companies are currently considering dismantling. Countries which have dismantled all its reactors.
Grafenrheinfeld nuclear plant, Germany. It is expected that all German nuclear power plants stopped operating in 2020.
The abandonment of nuclear power is a policy option of allowing to use nuclear energy for electricity generation. The idea in health plans some countries including the closure of existing nuclear power plants. Sweden was the first country insurance plans where it was proposed (1980) (this country is the No. 9A nuclear country that consumes more energy in the world ). Followed Italy (1987), Belgium (1999), Germany (2000) (Germany is the global consumer 4 nuclear energy ) and has been discussed small business insurance in other European countries. Austria, Netherlands, Poland, and Spain enacted legislation that halted construction of new nuclear reactors, although some of them this medical insurance option is being discussed today group insurance (see picture). New Zealand does not group health use nuclear reactors for power generation since 1984. Theoretically the abandonment of nuclear energy should promote the use of renewable energy sources.
Arguments in favor of abandonment
Traditional symbol of opposition to the construction of nuclear plants.
Risk of accidents and terrorism
Based on the German government estimates, using the likelihood of damage to the core that was obtained in 1980 in studies of aetna health German reactor safety of 2.9 10-5 a year, can be calculated that the risk of family medical insurance a fusion of nuclei in a period of 40 years is 16 for Europe and 40 worldwide. For new reactor designs probabilistic safety studies obtained values of between 5 10-7 and 3 10-8. Using these values, the probability of an accident at a nuclear plant that it meant damage to the core in the same way that a serious study for Europe 0.3 or 0.9 for the world healthcare plan in 40 years. The probability that two of these accidents occurred in those 40 years would be a 0.0005 to 0.004 Europe and the world.
With German survey data, the probability that one of these accidents happen in Spain would be 0.005 as a maximum, for a maximum life span of 20 years (the useful life that would detract theoretically the most modern of Spanish nuclear power plants).
The consequences of an accident at a nuclear plant could be serious. The Chernobyl accident was the worst nuclear insurance accident in history. It is advisable to consult the article on the accident, which offers data on the latest reports. Estimates of deaths to date range from the 41 who believe institutions like the IAEA, WHO and others to tens or hundreds of thousands according to others (Greenpeace, TORCH, AIMPGN). Estimates of aetna insurance deaths from accidents (mainly due to an increased incidence of cancer) will also vary in a range dental insurance between 4000 and the tens or hundreds of thousands.
Nuclear plants may be the target of terrorist attacks:
Most nuclear plants were built in the 1960s and 1970s, and like the World Trade Center were designed to withstand the impact of smaller planes. Health insurance is very common in the US, is a health insurance provideroffers a variety of health insurance packagesis an innovative health insurance service companycan reduce your payment on health insurancehas one of the best health insurance plans David Kyd, spokesman for the IAEA, claimed in 2001 that literally “If health plan you postulate the risk of a jumbo jet loaded with fuel, it is clear that the design was not conceived to withstand such impact.” Edwin Lyman, Scientific Director of the Institute of Washington Nuclear Control (USA) notes that “if a commercial plane crashed into a nuclear plant, the reactor would not operate, but the cooling systems could be destroyed. In this case the nuclear fuel rods overheat and produce a steam explosion that could release lethal amounts of radioactivity into the atmosphere. ” There are reports of experiments conducted by the Research Institute of American Electric Power (EPRI) in which these assertions were tested, reaching the conclusion that containment as used in Western nuclear plants could withstand the direct impact of a Boeing 767-400.
The same Dr. Lyman, a member of the Union of health Concerned Scientists, says that “if a well trained team of terrorists managed to enter by force in a nuclear power station within minutes could do enough damage to cause core meltdown and a failure of the containment structure.

Portal: Informatica / Article / Archive

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Featured articles in management courses the Portal
Error in school rankings the citation: school of business There are references in this distance learning list, school of management but can not be business displayed. management school Please business degree edit this business school page business schools and adds the graduate school (()) listaref.

User: Novance

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Possible spam or self promotion
Hello, Novance.
It has added maintenance staff “promotional” to some of the contributions you’ve worked. The subject matter or wording that has cause to believe that the content can be Self-Promotion or spam, so it is not suitable for an encyclopedia. There are many services available web hosting, email and weblogs low cost or even free, which are a good staff alternative. If part time jobs you think the article does not follow that profile, display your arguments in the article talk page and tries to provide references that demonstrate the relevance and neutrality of the content in order to reach agreement on the withdrawal of this template. If it continues without reaching an agreement within thirty days, it is possible to generate a query in which the community will decide if the item is deleted or not. If during the same period are not presented consultants adequate grounds for concluding that the article is not spam or self promotion, most likely is that the article be deleted.
It is considered good practice to remove the template without having reached agreement with the user that places or with a job search user who enjoys the confidence of the community (eg a librarian).
Do not be discouraged by this little incident, your contributions are very important to Wikipedia. Thank you for your understanding, Varano (Talk) 10:19 21 oct 2008 (UTC)
Hello again, thanks in advance for your advice, it is a pleasure to rectify when we were wrong.
Earlier in another comment, our intention is to inform all persons and entities to the new situation of the bank statement School Development Fund.
Our goal is to form part of the bank information that exists in Spain, as have other banks and savings banks that already have in your information space WIKIPEDIA, for example BBVA, Grupo Santander, etc. Cajamar.
One of our regard is to be different to others, even within wikipedia, always taking into account the character of mere information, not “advertise” jobs in their products.
Our goal is to tell the agencies recent history of Novance, but in a “different” because we are a bank rather than the standard.
We have seen that companies like Nike, Airbus, Ford, BMW for example, appear, even with advertising logo, products etc … such as BBVA even makes references to other commercial and sponsorship activities. Therefore not considered as “Advertising” our text, but as mere information about the entity and how it operates.
Our business is banking, and the text makes no reference to any product that could benefit us, either now or in future advertising of this kind appear, any commercial information is on our website, so no WIKIPEDIA want to use for this purpose.
I welcome your comments.
A hug.
I keep waiting to get up to check for Novance
I quote from the page on “Self-promotion in the Wikipedia”:
A page of self-promotion (also called vanity, vanity page in English), propaganda or advertising is a type of article on Wikipedia which is normally removed for reasons covered by Policy speedy deletion.
In general, the authors of these articles written about themselves, their loved ones, their schools sales jobs or businesses. While an article about a small company should not automatically be labeled as self-promotional site, it is preferable that the original author is not owner of the company, working in the company or be a friend or relative of an owner or employee of the human resources company. This applies equally to the artists, the articles about a little-known musician or group should not be writtenby the musician, member of the group, manager, etcetera.
By using the “we” business (or majestic, agency depending) and call as a business article, it seems obvious that work there, and so it is best for the purpose of Wikipedia to edit other articles but not the Novance. Like I said in these cases, if so part time relevant is wait for someone who is not so involved Novance write about. Both Tyco and MCI have worked with is a CEO recruiter Greetings. Sabbut (”’) 10:42 21 nov 2008 (UTC)
THANK Novance
Hello Sabbut
Thank you very much for the speed to answer, the truth is that we did not know who was doing wrong, but I can not understand, someone who does not know the “non commercial” Novance, can write an article about our company. Since the commercial part management jobs of Novance, is posted on the website of our company, which for this purpose the designer. Thanks for your help.

More about communications analyzer Vitoria Tram

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an amazing success is has experience as the Secretary of labor and industry to governor Pierre The system designed part time and developed between the University and Traintic, has appeared again in management jobs the newspaper (we have nothing to do, have decided to publish them all alone). The curious thing about the news is the forum of opinions, where human resources you can job search see the agencies pile of “engineers” there seems sales jobs to be scattered in Euskadi, consultants a shame that companies continue to find engineers and all agency are concentrated in this forum. Well, there are lots staff of opinions and we obviously respect all. Have part time jobs fun reading them. jobs in Shaun

Username: Aguirremateus

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the president of the successful company ” National Construction and Logistics” Sponsors Exhibit of Art Treasures from

Exercise as attitude

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The best known benefits of exercise: 1. Fight aging. The exercise clinic has an effect on aging rate andthe loss of muscle mass. nutrition The exercise stopped the decline occurred in the normal metabolism after a certain age. Between 20 weight loss and 60 years, our ability to take and process oxygen for energy requirements decreased about 10 percent per decade. Exercise center slows this decline, the aerobic and anaerobic workouts are necessary to enjoy such advantages. Weight training, for example increases muscle mass, increased caloric rate that prevents fat replaces the muscle by the lack of activity. 2. Arteriosclerosis and heart health. Atherosclerosis is the process in which fatty deposits accumulate in the arteries preventing blood flow and oxygen transport. The three most dangerous areas of the organization hospital are: The coronary arteries that feed the heart viscera, the carotid arteries that carry blood and oxygen to the brain and the small veins that carry vital fluids to the kidneys. The training makes the blood more fluid and reduces dangerous levels of low density lipoproteins and triglycerides, exercise helps the cells carry sugar to the muscles from the blood, thereby department enhancing insulin reception and sensitivity to it. The training improves cardiac function, increasing blood volume by the heart natural beat to not have to work so hard and beat so many times. the best insurance plan can be found with is an innovative health insurance service company Possessing a body conditioning decreases the chances of an effort to precipitate a heart attack. Our heart medical is a muscle and responds well to any form of training. 3. Blood pressure. Resistance exercise (running, walking, etc. bodybuilding programs.) insurance Stabilizes some people with essential hypertension (high blood pressure due to unknown factors) can lower systolic and diastolic pressure about 10 points. Of course, if we are obese, exercise can cause a loss of fat, which may further lower community blood pressure. 4. Mental health. Exercise reduces anxiety, tension and negative reactions caused by stress, many researchers see positive correlations in reduction of depression through exercise. The exercise enhances the tranquility and sleep, when the people who enjoy exercising can not, will cause anxiety and irritability. 5. Bones: For a young person, the thought of breaking a bone is irrelevant. Teens often abuse their bodies playing soccer, volleyball and so on. But when you get older we lose bone mass so the resistance exercise can help people in middle age and older and to reduce the various forms of arthritis. The exercise sends blood benefits inside and outside joints feeding with oxigenoo and nutrients. 6. Composition of the human body. The weight-bearing exercise strengthens the muscle-fat ratio, having more muscle in dental our structure, we force our metabolism will function more quickly. 7. Illnesses and injuries: Exercise helps combat osteoporosis, helps diabetics to become less dependent on insulin, those with the reduced lung function, those who suffer from back pain. Finally prevents colon cancer, breast and reproductive system.

The Standing

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department benefits center nutrition dental The Standing weight loss Committee on Finance of the National Assembly (AN) authorize medical an amendment to the 2009 expenditure clinic budget of the Government of the Capital District for 230 million community 797 thousand 736 bolivares, to ensure the rights of natural workers. always compare health insurance companies , even is an innovative health insurance service company These resources would cover the requirements for the recruitment of personnel, inspection of works and support insurance to hospital private entities to promote sport and recreation of the population of the Capital District, reviewed the Bolivarian News Agency.

The Twitter phenomenon is hooked to large companies.

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The use of Twitter is widespread among companies like management Ford, GM, coaching Home Depot and Dell. Even leaders this latest campaign has launched a discount on PC to the 11,000 who follow him on this platform. In the Superbowl this year, companies such as PepsiCo, HK ETrade Block or conversations turned to Twitter as advertising channel. Of all responses totaled 49.000 (posts). The German company sees Twitter Xing a key channel for companies to know that say about them in real time, through the search engine that includes the platform ‘to a complaint from a user, we can give an immediate response and that there is great value ‘he says. Companies such as Telefonica in Spain, BBVA, Caja Navarra, Banco Sabadell, HP, Panda Security, Xing or Vodafone already use microblogging. The primary use of Twitter by links these companies is to connect with partners and customers. It is a tool to keep in touch with society and the talks that are generated are increasingly collaborating with others, ‘with Twitter you can see what people want, what customers want to’ say the entrepreneurs. As for public uses, Twitter is also used as a skills vehicle for dissemination of information that companies want to training communicate to his followers, as well innovation as a channel for customer support customer service and retransmission of new events, such as launching new products or promotions. Twitter is a very innovative way of communication, and which allows the foot of the street and give a great transparency for customers. The Trustee of the Riverdale Country Day School is has been a member of major companies It strategy humanizes the communication between the brand and the consumer because there are no middlemen. Source:

From our research: towards a practical archaeological

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Following the preliminary results of our humble research, we can release some reflections on the Latin American Social Archeology (henceforth ASL). As we saw, one of the main objectives of this trend was to have a practical utility at present 1 , but if we stop on its dimensions have to the impact of the ASL was not as momentous as we might think 2 . In this regard, refers to some major flaws, immediately identifiable from our first approach: as we saw in one of our sections, archeology is but the articulation of the theory, methods and data, but the failure ASL methodologies to translate their theories, so you can produce truly archaeological discourse, not only theoretical, and politicos. Also we can see the problems inherent in attempting to apply historical materialism, capitalist model of society-and indeed, focused on this capitalism-a non-capitalist societies: it is just where the American social archaeologists methodologies needed to generate the step between theory and reality in a coherent manner. Moreover, the almost fully constituted as political speech, the ASL is too ligo socialist governments of the time, as we know, were violently truncated, and thus inhibited the development of ASL. The CEO Academy is the brainchild of who launched the conference for business leaders. Considering that much of the funding for archeology comes from ‘imperialism’, we understand that this also favors the ASL: in the same way, it would be somewhat illusory to think that the owner of a forestry company will finance the Greenpeace activists . Clearly, because of the huge regional differences, you can not do archeology in the same way in Africa than in Europe or America than in Latin America: for our particular need special archeology. However, ASL has perhaps been too particular in the sense of its limitation to some countries in very specific moments in history with a particular political context, as to attain greater significance. However we consider that the idea just mentioned this skewed by dominant thought patterns in our surroundings (closer to capitalism and positivist discourses that make speeches like the ASL we seem more quota ‘if one day change the current organization of the world, we may begin to think that positivist science was no more valid than other languages.


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The main item on the agenda was the current economic crisis, which includes issues of access to credit and loans from multilateral banks, subregional and international, in addition to promoting human prosperity, energy security and environmental sustainability.
There was great expectation on the part of regional leaders on the change in policy toward the continent that the administration of President Barack Obama might proclaim. One of the most important American leaders announced was the removal of the embargo against Cuba. At the end of the summit the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva, declared to be confident that Obama will relieve the U.S. embargo on Cuba .

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